I have written/cobbled together the following script that uses mail and WireTap Pro to start a recording using commands sent via email. Once the recording is complete it is placed into the iDisk/public folder and then uploaded to my .mac account where the file can be downloaded. It is mostly working the way that I want however I still have some clean up to do.
My current problem: When the recording completes successfully and the file is placed in the iDisk/public folder (this is done automatically by WireTap Pro), even though I have iDisk syncing set to automatic it never seems to start the upload of the file. I have not been able to find a way to start the sync using AS or maybe there is a better way to upload the file.
Any help or suggestions appreciated!
-- CommandRecord version .9
-- 8/27/2007
--Known issues 8/27/07--
-- start the iDisk sync process upon completion
--recorded file name is sometimes reported as the prior file
--format the file size
--format the time recorded
--format the name of the file
-- rename the output file acording the the requesting email address and time
-- error handling if recording is already in progress
-- script assumes that wiretap is set up with the default recording settings
-- to name the file and drop it in the public idisk folder
-- script is called when email contains "Record, start or stop"
--get variables from the requesting email
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages these_messages for rule this_rule
tell application "Mail"
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_messages
set this_message to item i of these_messages
tell this_message
set this_subject to its subject
set the reply_address to its reply to
set this_sender to its sender
set this_content to its content
end tell
--get current status of WTP and quit if recording
tell application "WireTap Pro"
set the_status to the current state
end tell
if the_status = "Recording" then
--send a message that WTP is already recording
set reply_subject to "Error, recording already in progress"
set reply_content to "Please try again later."
set the outgoing_message to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:reply_subject}
tell outgoing_message
make new to recipient with properties {address:this_sender}
set content to reply_content
end tell
send outgoing_message
end if
-- what type of request is this
-- options are "start", "stop" and "Record"
-- Record is an option to record for a specified time
if this_subject begins with "stop" then
tell application "WireTap Pro"
set the_amountRecorded to the (amount recorded) & " bytes"
set the_time to the (time recorded / 60) & " minutes"
stop recording
set the_savedPath to the saved path
end tell
set reply_subject to "Recording stopped: " & (current date)
set reply_content to "The recording will be posted to the server shortly. The file size is: " & the_amountRecorded & return & "The duration of recording is: " & the_time & return & "The file name is: " & the_savedPath
--Start a recording
else if this_subject begins with "start" then
tell application "WireTap Pro"
start recording
end tell
set reply_subject to "Recording started: " & (current date)
set reply_content to this_sender & " started a recording at the above time. Do not forget to send the 'Stop' command. Thank you."
--Timed recording
else if this_subject begins with "record" then
--start_spec_local is the time to start recording, always assumed to be now
set start_spec_local to current date
tell application "WireTap Pro"
start recording
end tell
-- subtract out the "Record " = 7 characters + 1 for space
-- the remainder is the time to record in minutes
set the_recTime to characters 8 thru -1 of this_subject
-- get this value from email subject "mm"
set recording_minutes to the_recTime
-- if recording minutes is less than 10 minutes we need to add a leading 0
set recmincnt to count recording_minutes
if recmincnt = 1 then
set recording_minutes to "0" & recording_minutes
end if
--convert to standard time
set recording_length to "00:" & recording_minutes & ":00"
--send a message that recording has started
set reply_subject to "Timed recording started at: " & (current date) & " for " & the_recTime & " minutes. "
set reply_content to this_sender & " started a timed recording. You will receive another email when the recording is complete. "
set the outgoing_message to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:reply_subject}
tell outgoing_message
make new to recipient with properties {address:this_sender}
set content to reply_content
end tell
send outgoing_message
set ctts_time to recording_length
-- Convert time string (nn:nn:nn) to seconds
set ctts_saved_delimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set ctts_seconds to 0
set ctts_no_words to number of words of ctts_time
if ctts_no_words ≥ 1 then
set ctts_seconds to ctts_seconds + (first word of ctts_time) * hours
if ctts_no_words ≥ 2 then
set ctts_seconds to ctts_seconds + (second word of ctts_time) * minutes
if ctts_no_words ≥ 3 then
set ctts_seconds to ctts_seconds + (third word of ctts_time)
end if
end if
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ctts_saved_delimiters
set stop_time_delay to ctts_seconds
-- Wait until the stop time to stop recording
if stop_time_delay is greater than 0 then
set dws_end_time to start_spec_local + stop_time_delay
set dws_message to "Recording for " & recording_length & " (hh:mm:ss)"
-- Delay until the time to do something, displaying a dialog containing a status message.
-- This relies on the "giving up after" functionality of the display dialog command.
-- If the OK button is clicked, the display dialog is redone with an adjusted delay time.
-- dws_end_time is the time the delay is to end
-- dws_message is the message to display in the dialog
-- Seconds to delay
local dws_end_time_delay
set dws_end_time_delay to (dws_end_time - (current date))
repeat while dws_end_time_delay > 0
activate me
display dialog dws_message buttons {"Cancel"} giving up after dws_end_time_delay
if button returned of the result is "Cancel" then error
set dws_end_time_delay to (dws_end_time - (current date))
end repeat
end if
tell application "WireTap Pro"
set the_amountRecorded to the (amount recorded) & " bytes"
set the_time to the (time recorded / 60) & " minutes"
stop recording
set the_savedPath to the saved path
end tell
--build completion email
set reply_subject to "Timed recording stopped: " & (current date)
set reply_content to "The recording will be posted to the server shortly. The file size is: " & the_amountRecorded & return & "The duration of recording is: " & the_time & return & "The file name is: " & the_savedPath
end if
-- create outbound message
set the outgoing_message to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:reply_subject}
tell outgoing_message
make new to recipient with properties {address:this_sender}
set content to reply_content
end tell
send outgoing_message
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
on delay_with_status(dws_end_time, dws_message)
-- Delay until the time to do something, displaying a dialog containing a status message.
-- This relies on the "giving up after" functionality of the display dialog command.
-- If the OK button is clicked, the display dialog is redone with an adjusted delay time.
-- dws_end_time is the time the delay is to end
-- dws_message is the message to display in the dialog
-- Seconds to delay
local dws_end_time_delay
set dws_end_time_delay to (dws_end_time - (current date))
repeat while dws_end_time_delay > 0
activate me
display dialog dws_message buttons {"Cancel"} giving up after dws_end_time_delay
if button returned of the result is "Cancel" then error
set dws_end_time_delay to (dws_end_time - (current date))
end repeat
end delay_with_status