I tried binding its value to a variable but that didn’t seem to work. Any insight?
Scratch that, binding its value to a variable in my delegate does work
So now im wondering how I could link a slider to that level indicator
1.have a slider with 3 values
2. have a level indicator with 3
3. link the slider to the level indicator
Check this out, its quite simple:
property se_slider : missing value
property se_level : missing value
on sliderChange_(sender)
set se_sliderCurrent to se_slider's doubleValue()
se_level's setDoubleValue_(se_sliderCurrent)
end sliderChange_
bind se_slider and se_level to the silder and the level, and put the sliderChange_() on the slider.
When you set the max and min value to 0-3 you get values like 2.738181929 (or such) but they’ll translate into the leveler
Use the same maximums on both slider and level
Now, we only have to figure out, how to make the sliderbutton snap to the tickmarks, so the value we get is not “2.4577328” but exactly 2.
This might work with reading out the value of the level after setting it, and then setting the sliderbutton to that value, but there must be an easier way.
Thanks for the help
as for the slider you can set it to “Only Stop on Tick Marks Only” in the inspector
xD Stupid me, anyway, I hope you can use the code