Howto pipe some mysql-commands in a do shell script

Warning: maybe a bit offtopic, since it’s more a howto-pipe-questions.

Task: I want to create a user and database for mysql using applescript. This has to be done in case the database or user doesn’t exist.

I thought that the easiest way sis to built a string that contains the necessary mysql-commands:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO ‘username’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO ‘username’@‘%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ WITH GRANT OPTION;
CREATE DATABASE database_name;

All these 4 commands should be in one line:

set mysql_command to line1 & line2 & line3 & line4

No I thought that I can use a do shell-command like:

mysql -u USERNAME --password=PASSWORD mysql | echo “mysql_command”

Got an idea?

Unfortunately this piping isn’t working, so back to the questions:

Howto use applescript to execute some MySQL-commands.

It would be pretty nice to check if the datatabase or user exist and only if not the above command will be executed.

Best regards


Model: iBook G3 800Mhz
AppleScript: 1.10
Browser: Safari 412.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Here’s some code that has been working for me:

property mysAppPath : "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql"
property mysUser : "root"
property mysPass : "rootpassword"
property mysHostAddr : "localhost" --""
property mysDbName : "DatabaseName"
property mysCommand : mysAppPath & " -u " & mysUser & " -h" & mysHostAddr & " --skip-column-names " & mysDbName

on mqCommand(s)
	-- return list if successful, empty string if not
	if character -1 of s ≠ ";" then set s to s & ";"
	set rslt to do shell script "echo \"" & s & "\"|" & mysCommand & " 2>&1;echo -n $?"
	if character -1 of rslt ≠ "0" then
		return ""
	end if
	if rslt = "0" then
		return {}
	end if
	set rslt to text 1 through -3 of rslt -- strip return & $?
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
	set lst0 to text items of rslt
	set lst1 to {}
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
	repeat with itm in lst0
		set end of lst1 to text items of itm
	end repeat
	return lst1
end mqCommand

-- unifyList puts everything in the list at one level
on unifyList(l)
	set lst to {}
	repeat with itmL in l
		repeat with itm in itmL
			set end of lst to contents of itm
		end repeat
	end repeat
	return lst
end unifyList

	set rslt to mqCommand("select seqNum from theDatabase where theField='" & theValue & "' order by theField desc;")
	set rslt to unifyList(rslt)

I’ve stripped this from a larger Xcode script, hopefully retaining all the relevant stuff. Just plug in any old SQL command as the mqCommand argument and it should work. For what it’s worth…

  • Dan


Thanks for the answer, dant.

Unfortunately I think that this is way to much code or to be more honest, I’m to dumb to fully understand what’s going on here.
Since I’m need the ‘do-some-mysql-commands’-funtion only as a part in a bigger script and I fully want to understand what I am coding, I hope that there is an easier solution, but I’ll try if the above script will work.

Meanwhile I found a solution by looking at some code at from Donncha’s Weblog.

The Solution or howto-execute-some MySQL-commands in the shell is:


Since we need to have the double quote for the echo command the complete syntax in applescript is:

   do shell script "echo \"MYSQL-COMMAND1; MYSQL-COMMAND2; ....; MYSQL-COMMAND-n\" |  /sw/bin/mysql -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE"

Any other ideas, I like to keep the code straight, clean and short :wink:

Model: iBook G3 800Mhz
AppleScript: 1.10
Browser: Safari 412.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hidden in my mess of code is that solution, it’s just surrounded by a lot of stuff to make it easier to use (but harder to understand!) Anyhow, glad you found a more straightforward explanation!