I am very new to AppleScript and i do not know very much at all. i am having a problem when i tell the comp to open an app because after it opens it gives me a message that says “error: cannot continue to activate” and that stops it from doing the rest of the stuff i want it to do after it activates.
this is the script…
tell application “Adobe GoLive 6.0”
end tell
Is it activate i say or somthing else? so it wont say that message! :?
It’s not the activate command that is the problem. It’s got to be something to do with the “rest of the stuff” you’re trying to do. Activate does the same thing that double clicking on the app’s icon would do. I don’t have golive, but I found that in M$word if you have the project manager set to open up on activate and you try to do any scripting after activate the two conflict and it throws an error. Perhaps it’s the same thing. You can try to use 'launch" instead, which is supposed to launch the app but not allow it to perform any of it’s startup activities. This did not work for me with word, though…so you’ll have to test it. I’m guessing that golive is waiting for some interaction (like closing a panel or opening a file) before it’s ready to release control to you and your script.
If using “launch” doesn’t do it post the other code you’re trying to execute and maybe someone can find any blemishes it may contain.
Why bother activating the app at all?
The only purpose of the ‘activate’ command is to bring the app frontmost.
You do NOT need to activate an application to send it commands. Applications do not need to be frontmost to process data.
Just tell the app what you want to do. If it isn’t running at the time your script runs, AppleScript will launch the app for you.