I have a script that starts the TeamViewer application on my server an

I have a script that starts the TeamViewer application on my server and then makes pictures of the running application and sends them per email to me so I can see it is running on my server.

Under 10.5 it worked always (still does), under 10.6 it does not. Any ideas as to why?

Here is the script:

set dFolder to "~/Desktop/"

do shell script ("mkdir -p " & dFolder)

repeat 2 times -- Repeat XX times.
	activate application "TeamViewer"
	delay 1
	set tTime to do shell script "date +%H-%M-%S"
	do shell script ("/usr/sbin/screencapture " & dFolder & tTime & ".png") -- Capture screen.
	delay 5 -- 
end repeat

I hear the server making the ‘click’ sound but no pictures anywhere to be found on the desktop. It makes no pictures whatsoever.


after a long discussion with Apple it turns out to be a flaw in the OS. No info as to when it might be fixed.