I need to put quark text box above image and have it print


I’ve worked out how to create a quark text box, but I need to have the box outside the image, preferably on top.

Using a negative x value sets the box above the image, but it’s outside the window and doesn’t print.

How can I resize the image so the text box shows?



tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
	tell document 1
		set captionBox to make new text box at end with properties {bounds:{-20, 6, 100, 800} as points rectangle, color:null, name:"Caption Box"}
		set story 1 of captionBox to "(2008 12 12 102456 1Z)"
		set font of every paragraph of captionBox to "IDAutomationHC39M"
	end tell
end tell


I’ve tried the following script, but it refuses to set the spread height. Can anyone tell me why please.

my ResetPageSize()

on ResetPageSize()
	tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
		tell document 1
			set horizontal measure to inches
			set vertical measure to inches
			get spread height as real
			set spread_height to result
			set newspreadheight to (spread_height) + 1
			set spread height to newspreadheight
		end tell
	end tell
end ResetPageSize