ICal Event Duplication & Check

Without further ado, here goes…

Any Help that could be offered, would help a lot.

I believe the culprit is:

I’m looking to copy Cal A) to Cal B)
without Cal B) having any duplicates.

to getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recurrenceString)
	set olddel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
	set tItems to text items of recurrenceString
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "="
	set d to 0
	set untl to missing value
	repeat with anItem in tItems
		set parts to text items of anItem
		set sec to word 3 of anItem
		if (offset of "FREQ=" in anItem) > 0 then
			if (offset of "WEEKLY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 7
			else if (offset of "DAILY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 1
			else if (offset of "MONTHLY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 31
			end if
		else if (offset of "INTERVAL=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set d to d * sec
		else if (offset of "COUNT=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set d to d * sec
		else if (offset of "UNTIL=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set untl to current date
			set untl's year to text 1 thru 4 of sec
			set untl's month to text 5 thru 6 of sec
			set untl's day to text 7 thru 8 of sec
			set untl's hours to text 10 thru 11 of sec
			set untl's minutes to text 12 thru 13 of sec
			set untl's seconds to text 13 thru 14 of sec
		end if
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddel
	if untl is missing value then
		if d is not 0 then
			set finalDate to startDate + (d * days)
			set finalDate to startDate + (1000 * days)
		end if
		set finalDate to untl
	end if
	return finalDate
end getRecurrenceTermination

tell application "Calendar"
	set TheCalendars to name of calendars
	set theSourceCalendar to "Testing"
	set theDestinationCalendar to "Testing1"
	set theOtherCals to {}
	repeat with anItem in TheCalendars
		if (anItem as string) is not (theSourceCalendar as string) then set theOtherCals to theOtherCals & anItem
	end repeat
	display dialog "Start Copy? " & theSourceCalendar & " to " & theDestinationCalendar & "?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1
	if the button returned of the result is "Yes" then
		set TheEvents to events of calendar theSourceCalendar
		set otherEvents to events of calendar theDestinationCalendar
		repeat with anEvent in TheEvents
			set curDate to current date
			set isNew to 1
			set startDate to start date of anEvent
			set endDate to end date of anEvent
			set eventStatus to status of anEvent
			set recuInfo to recurrence of anEvent
			set auid to uid of anEvent
			if recuInfo is not missing value then
				set ed to my getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recuInfo)
			end if
			if endDate ≥ curDate and eventStatus is not none then
				--check that is not already existing using uid of events
				repeat with oEvent in otherEvents
					set ouid to uid of oEvent
					if ouid is equal to auid then
						set isNew to 0
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
				if isNew is not 0 then
					duplicate anEvent to end of calendar theDestinationCalendar
				end if
				log "Event discarded: old"
			end if
		end repeat
		--do nothing
	end if
end tell

Ok, so after working on my script into the wee hours of the night… I have concluded that removal of this was in order.


to getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recurrenceString)
	set olddel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
	set tItems to text items of recurrenceString
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "="
	set d to 0
	set untl to missing value
	repeat with anItem in tItems
		set parts to text items of anItem
		set sec to word 3 of anItem
		if (offset of "FREQ=" in anItem) > 0 then
			if (offset of "WEEKLY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 7
			else if (offset of "DAILY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 1
			else if (offset of "MONTHLY" in anItem) > 0 then
				set d to 31
			end if
		else if (offset of "INTERVAL=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set d to d * sec
		else if (offset of "COUNT=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set d to d * sec
		else if (offset of "UNTIL=" in anItem) > 0 then
			set untl to current date
			set untl's year to text 1 thru 4 of sec
			set untl's month to text 5 thru 6 of sec
			set untl's day to text 7 thru 8 of sec
			set untl's hours to text 10 thru 11 of sec
			set untl's minutes to text 12 thru 13 of sec
			set untl's seconds to text 13 thru 14 of sec
		end if
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddel
	if untl is missing value then
		if d is not 0 then
			set finalDate to startDate + (d * days)
			set finalDate to startDate + (1000 * days)
		end if
		set finalDate to untl
	end if
	return finalDate
end getRecurrenceTermination

tell application "Calendar"
	set TheCalendars to name of calendars
	set theSourceCalendar to "IndyCom - Company"
	set theDestinationCalendar to "IndyCom"
	display dialog "Start Copy? " & theSourceCalendar & " to " & theDestinationCalendar & "?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1
	if the button returned of the result is "Yes" then
		set TheEvents to events of calendar theSourceCalendar
		set otherEvents to events of calendar theDestinationCalendar
		repeat with anEvent in TheEvents
			set curDate to current date
			set isNew to 1
			set startDate to start date of anEvent
			set endDate to end date of anEvent
			set recuInfo to recurrence of anEvent
			set auid to uid of anEvent
			if recuInfo is not missing value then
				set ed to my getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recuInfo)
				repeat with oEvent in otherEvents
					set ouid to uid of oEvent
					if ouid is equal to auid then
						set isNew to 0
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
				if isNew is not 0 then
					duplicate anEvent to end of calendar theDestinationCalendar
				end if
				log "Event discarded: old"
			end if
		end repeat
		--do nothing
	end if
end tell


for some reason

Is flagging the same UID’s… am I doing something wrong? (Event Log)

:mad: Ugh… I give up for today… Still can’t get this thing working…

Hi. I don’t have an event id property in my version, but I’m also using an ancient OS. I’m not certain that I’ve understood your problem, but I think you’re just trying to isolate the UIDs across calendars; if that’s incorrect, you might want to expound on your goal, rather than posting swaths of uncommented code.

tell application "iCal"
	set {source, destination} to {calendar "home", calendar "untitled"}--adjust as needed
	duplicate (source's events whose uid is not in my (destination's events's uid)) to destination's end
end tell