iCal events

Hi all,

Is it possible to add events into iCal that happened in the past - i’m not sure if i have the date format wrong, but the events always go into the current time cell.

Could someone give me an example of the correct date & time format iCal uses please ?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Karl,

It depends on how you’re getting your dates. If you’re getting your dates as text, then you could coerce the date to AppleScript date. For instance:

set d to "7/14/06 18:00"
set as_date to date d

You could also set the date relative to some date like the current date. For instance the following will create an event in iCal 24 hours from the current date:

set cur_date to (current date)
set tomorrow_date to cur_date + 1 * days
tell application "iCal"
	set this_cal to first calendar
	set new_event to ¬
		make new event at end of events of this_cal with properties ¬
			{summary:"Test Event", start date:tomorrow_date}
end tell

Basically, you use AppleScript date format.


Thanks Kel,

With your date manipulation method. I’m correct in thinking i could make it a bit more dynamic by taking the current date, and subtracting that, fooling iCal into thinking it was the 1st of the month, midnight (or there abouts)… ?



Hi Karl,

I’m not sure if this works in Tiger, because I think they changed what is returned for months from a constant like ‘July’ to the month number like ‘7’, but you can try this to get the first day of the current month:

set this_month to (month of (current date)) as string
set first_day to (date this_month)

If ‘month of (current date)’ returns a number then something like this works:

set m to 7
set d to ((m as string) & "/1")
date d

Edited: I forgot this one:

set t to "1"
date t

You can try experimenting with the various coercions. If you want the dates to turn out relative to current date, then you need to set it as text first as I did. Otherwise, when you compile something like:

date “1”

the compiler will automatically coerce “1” to the first day of the current month and it won’t be dynamic.
