iCal - List all Todos in All Calendars

Hi, how do I list every single todo in every calendar?

Any help would be appreciated! :smiley:


this returns a list of lists containing all todos of each calendar

tell application "iCal" to set allTodos to todos of calendars

Thanks a lot for that! :slight_smile:

dear StefanK,

thanks fro the script, but…
I tried and it gives me back names like these
todo id “6A711768-703C-4ACA-9ADC-ED4F182728DF” of calendar id “8769D7F8-3F01-473A-937F-95E7D50930D9”,

ho to solve?



because each list item is a iCal event object,
you can access its properties within the iCal application tell block

StefanK said

“…you can access its properties within the iCal application tell block”

that is…?


Maybe you could explain what you’re going to accomplish

You’re right!
I would like to’ search Ical by title and/or descrption and get an actionable/ printable list! Thnaks!