iCal Time not sync'ing to Treo

I am creating events in iCal with Applescript/Filemaker. The events appear normal in iCal with the date and time. However, when sync’ed to my Treo, the time does not sync. However, if I manually create an event in iCal, the time does properly sync. The same problem occurs if the event is created in Applescript, outside of Filemaker

A typical cell “Appt: Date Time” looks like 12/12/2003 8:15:00 AM

tell current record of Filemaker Pro “Calendar.FP5”
set eventdate to cell “Appt: Date Time”
set theSummary to cell “meeting” & " " & cell “Appt: Date Time”
set theWarning to cell “_Number1”
end tell

set theCalendar to “ComChart”
set eventdate to date eventdate
set theWarning to theWarning as number

tell application “iCal”
set theCal to “”
repeat with i from 1 to count of every calendar
if title of (item i of every calendar) is theCalendar then ¬
set theCal to i
end repeat
if theCal is “” then
make new calendar with properties {writable:true} & {title:theCalendar}
repeat with i from 1 to count of every calendar
if title of (item i of every calendar) is theCalendar then ¬
set theCal to i
end repeat
end if
set new_event to make event at end of events of calendar theCal with properties {start date:eventdate, summary:theSummary}
tell new_event
make display alarm at end of display alarms with properties {trigger interval:theWarning}
end tell
end tell

Please email me your ideas
Hayward Zwerling, M.D., FACP
The Lowell Diabetes & Endocrine Center
275 Varnum Avenue, Suite 102
Lowell, MA 01854
voice: (978) 459-0018
mobile: 978-407-0101