iChat AppleScript

Hi , there
I 'm trying to make an AppleScript, to open a connetion with iChat,but i don’t know how create a “new chat with person”.
can anybody help me?



tell application "iChat"
	send "hola" to account "martin"
end tell

after I received this more complex

property watchedUser : ""
property message : ""
property idleTime : 15
on run
	set watchedUser to first item of chooseChatUser()
	tell me to activate -- bring to front
	display dialog "Ambush '" & watchedUser & "' with message:" default answer "Hi there!"
	set message to text returned of result
	tell application "iChat" to activate -- bring to front
	return idleTime
end run
on idle
	if watchedUser is not "" and message is not "" then
		tell application "iChat"
			set theList to id of every account where status is available
		end tell
		if theList contains watchedUser then
		end if
	end if
	return idleTime
end idle
on quit
	set watchedUser to ""
	set message to ""
	continue quit
end quit
on chooseChatUser()
	tell application "iChat"
		set theList to id of every account where status is not available
		return choose from list theList without multiple selections allowed
	end tell
end chooseChatUser
on sendChatMessageToUser(userID)
	tell application "iChat"
		-- strange workaround because iChat AV Beta returns strange things
		repeat with a in (every account where id is userID)
			send message to a
		end repeat
	end tell
end sendChatMessageToUser