ichat IM triggering a script to quit a program

I’ve dabbled with applescripts here and there (mainly just pressing the record button…), so I’m sorry if I’m just asking you to code this… but I have no idea otherwise.

I use a login name for Unison from a friend. You can’t be signed on and use different IP’s, so if I’m downloading, he can’t.
I told him I’d try to remedy this, seeing as I’m his guest and I don’t want to be bothering his kindness.

My best thought was to create a very unique screenname, give it only to him, and whenever this screenname receives an IM, iChat will trigger a script to terminate Unison (even if it’s currently downloading).

I found a few bits and pieces here and there… but I really can’t figure it all out by myself.

Your help would be great!


Or you could, I dunno, pay for a copy of the software you’re using. And because I think I know what your reaction’s gonna be, let’s do some math:

Let’s say you’ve spent an hour looking around for ideas on how to do this, so far. Maybe you’ve written a little script to test something out. Then you posted. There’s your hour. How much do you make an hour at your job? Let’s say it takes another hour or two of coding, experimenting, and testing to get the script to work.

You’ve actually LOST money here by pirating Unison. Just buy a copy.

so unison is only for ‘pirating’?

what a helpful reply… I’m glad you found the time. and if money/time is apparently the first thing that comes to your mind… how much money have you lost from replying and reading this? does your wife get an invoice when you listen to her?


i own unison, it’s the downloading service that restricts multiple IP’s.

Excuse me?

Fine, then, you own a license for Unsion, but the download service is a different story. Why don’t you have your own account? Are you not paying for one when your friend is? If I’m wrong, it’s because you’re far less clear than you think.

This site is called: applescript.net
The focus is on scripting with Applescript
My question relates to triggering a script when an instant message is received
The triggered script will terminate an open program

You haven’t steered or answered my question in any way.

I’m currently working on another project on my other computer, and every time I hear mail alert me, and I see a reply to this topic, and see it’s you, I get bothered. Not only am I loosing my focus on what I’m doing, but I’m wasting my time with you’re comments.

Applescripting is simply not my area of skill. But I understand it as a powerful tool, and sometimes the only tool for a job. This is a case.

Please stop spamming this topic.

Neither is tact. You don’t think you’ve got a bit of an attitude problem? Reread your posts in the morning.

Want some advice? Same IP? Same house then, right? Walk over to his computer and ask him to quit the app so you can use the server, too. Or buy an account on another Usenet server. They’re pretty cheap. Problem solved. (Sometimes the best solution to a problem is not the solution you ask for.)

Edit: These guys are great: http://www.easynews.com/

Well, I apologize for my attitude. It’s apparent, clearly.

But my first post had nothing to do with what we are now talking about. In fact, I revised the post with the program name, thinking it would help someone in case they needed to know the program’s name.

Besides, it wasn’t until you posted your comment that I began commenting with a rude attitude. That could have been remedied by you clicking the back button and not reply.

As for tact, this is a forum, nothing more. Besides, tact is just a cover. I could hide my frustration with your posts with tact, but why? To come off better when others read this? I’d rather let you read between the lines for my attitude.

The most frustrating thing is that someone who actually knew how to script this problem could have helped me by now. But since this post is now filled with rubbish that few will waste time reading, no one will reply or spend time trying to code this for someone with a rotten attitude as myself. As a tip, if you feel the need to be heard and want to press the ‘reply’ button, only do it to posts that would benefit from your blather.

Do you feel like you’ve done anything productive since your first reply?

Christ, you’re still acting like an adolescent. Did you think that the reason no one has “helped you”–my solution to get your own Usenet account on a different server is a solid one, but you fail to see that–is because it’s either REALLY LATE in the US (where a lot of our posters live), or that you’re being a snotty toddler? Who wants to help someone with your attitude?

I still hold that your intended solution is not the best solution, when compared to getting your own Usenet account. Don’t like my answer? Wait for another one. My feelings aren’t gonna be hurt.

There is absolutely no way I am going to get you to see how childish you’re being here, man. Hope you get whatever answer you want.

Hi Clayton,

it’s pretty hard to get help in a serious board (like this) under suspicion doing illegal things with.
And sharing one commercial account with two people at the same time seems to be illegal :wink: