iChat- Open blank chat with person

Im trying to work out how to open a blank chat with a contact in ichat.
So far all i know is how to send a message via applescript but i dont want to do that.
i just want a chat window with the person.
Ive seen it done in widgets but using cocoa plugins but i suspect they are just calling applescripts from cocoa like ive done before

Anyone got any ideas ?


anyone ?
currently im resorting to using the aim:// protocol to do it but that opens the participant window each time which isnt ideal

Is this what you mean? This will invite them to a conversation:

tell application "iChat"
	send audio invitation to account "account name here"
end tell

This will do a video conversation:

tell application "iChat"
	send video invitation to account "account name here"
end tell

Here is a way to get the audio chat and hide it all:

tell application "iChat"
	send audio invitation to account "USERNAME"
	set visible of window "audio chat with USERNAME" to false
end tell

If you want to get technical and have your voice recognization turned on…tell your computer to “call friend”. It will ask you which friend to call. Tell it the friends name as seen in the buddy list. It will invite them to an audio conversation. If you change the script, it can be a video chat. When you are done say “quit ichat”. Hope this helps.

 tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer"
		set heardPhrase to listen for {"call friend", "quit ichat"} giving up after 2 * days
	on error -- time out
	end try
end tell
if heardPhrase is "call friend" then
	delay 1
	say "which friend do you want to call" using "Victoria"
	tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer"
		tell application "iChat"
			delay 2
			get name of accounts
			set nameAccounts to name of accounts
		end tell
			set heardFriend to listen for nameAccounts giving up after 2 * days
		on error -- timed out
		end try
	end tell
	tell application "iChat"
		set theStatus to get capabilities of account heardFriend
		if theStatus contains audio chat then
			send audio invitation to account heardFriend
			set visible of window 1 to false
			quit "ichat"
		end if
	end tell
else if heardPhrase is "quit ichat" then
	tell application "iChat"
		repeat until number of windows is 3
			tell window 1 to close
		end repeat
		quit "ichat"
	end tell
end if