[IDCS2] Need help on Find/Change with color attributes settings

I tried to change the Black color text whose tint value is 100% to overprint but it doesn’t work, my script as follows:-

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	set find preferences to nothing
	set change preferences to nothing
	tell document 1
		search for "^?" with find attributes {fill color:"Black", fill tint:100, overprint fill:false} with change attributes {fill color:"Black", fill tint:100, overprint fill:true}
		--search for "^?" with find attributes {fill color:"Black", overprint fill:false} with change attributes {fill color:"Black", fill tint:100, overprint fill:true}
	end tell
	--set find preferences to nothing
	--set change preferences to nothing
end tell

However, if I remove attributes “fill tint:100” it then works. But this is not what I want because it results all Black color, regardless of its tint value to become overprint.

I cannot figure out the error, hope someone can help. Thanks!

Don’t know anything about In Design. HEY! Anybody know In Design scripting!?

Maybe that will help keep the topic fresh.

I don’t have access to CS2 at the moment, but I tried this in CS and it seems there is probably a bug. I can’t consistently find this set of attributes even when attempting a manual test, however, changing the percentage from 100 to another number seems to work. :expressionless:

Thanks for your reply, Marc.

It behaves the same in CS2 & CS3 (I don’t have CS4 yet). You’re right, it cannot be done manually too, I don’t know whether it is a bug (its shame that the new versions do not fix it) or not. But I need this feature desperately because I always receive a lot of ID files that need us to set the overprint for 100% tint only.

Hope someone can help! Thanks!