Identify correct path from two disk numbers whose disk names are same

Hi all

I have one DMG image ( ‘A.dmg’ ) and one Hybrid ISO ( ‘B.iso’ ) created from A.dmg. I want to do a compare of contents of A.dmg and B.iso to make sure nothing gone wrong during the hybrid image creation.

Since both B.iso created from A.dmg the disk name is same for both. So I’m facing difficulties to identify the currect disk name. When i mount both these images the Disk name i can see desktop is same ( “My Softwares”).

Also the name of disk 7 and name of disk 8 is returning same string (" My Software: “)
It should be " My Software:” for disk 7 and “My Software 1:” for disk 8

actually i need the disk name with the numeric part at the end to correctly identify the files and folders in both the disks.
instead of /Volumes/My Software/ for the second disk i need /Volumes/My Software 1/
The script i have now is using Unix folder paths to compare.

I there any way to uniquely identify and get the correct path ( in unix format) for disks with same disk name ?

The script i have now is :

set shellCmd to "hdiutil attach -readonly -quiet " & image1
do shell script shellCmd
tell application "Finder"
    set firstDiskNumber to number of disks
    set firstDiskName to name of disk fistDiskNumber
end tell

set shellCmd to "hdiutil attach -readonly -quiet " & image2
do shell script shellCmd
tell application "Finder"
    set secondDiskNumber to number of disks
    set secondDiskName to name of disk secondDiskNumber
end tell

where i getting the firstDiskName and secondDiskName is same “My Software”.

is there any way to get the correct POSIX path of these two disks ???



if you omit the -quiet flag, you get the device node and the path

set image2 to quoted form of POSIX path of alias "Path:to:My Software.dmg"
set shellCmd to "hdiutil attach -readonly " & image2
set theDisk to do shell script shellCmd & " | grep Volumes"
set thePath to text (offset of "/Volumes" in theDisk) thru -1 of theDisk --> /Volumes/My Software
set theName to text 10 thru -1 of thePath --> My Software