Idesign A5 past into A4

Hello, can somebody help with the following.
I need to copy an selection of items of 190x133,5mm out of various multiple page documents (A). Into one multiple page document (B) 210x297mm starting on top left X=10mm Y=10mm. Followed with the next selection wich should be pasted on the same page but on the coordinates X=10 Y=133,5mm.
In short: various landscape A5 size documents (A) coverted to one portrait A4 size document (B) by copying the the content of A and past it under each other in B.

Thanks in advance,


You might need to create a temporary library to store the PageItems as assets. Then use the place() method to place at specified coordinates in the new document. There are several discussions on the Adobe Forums about placing library assets.

thanks, i’ll try to find that.