one of the end ifs wants to be an end repeat even though. im not ready for it to be ended. and i want the timer to only ask you if you want to activate if yoiu said yes earlier. basicly i want it to work…
tell application "iTunes"
set timer_maybe to button returned of (display dialog "would you like to set a timer to shutdown?" buttons {"yes", "no"} default button 1)
if timer_maybe = "yes" then set how_long to text returned of (display dialog "How Long?" default answer "In minutes") as number
if timer_maybe = "no" then
set button_push to button returned of (display dialog " controls " buttons {"track change", "PlayPause", "quit"} default button 2)
if button_push = "track change" then
set track_button to button returned of (display dialog "next track or last track?" buttons {"last track", "next track"})
if track_button = "next track" then next track
if track_button = "last track" then back track
end if
if button_push = "PlayPause" then playpause
if button_push = "quit" then exit repeat
end if
set start_timer to button returned of (display dialog "if you set a timer would you like to start it?" buttons {"yes", "no"} default button 1)
if start_timer = "yes" then
delay (""& how_long &"" * minutes)
tell app "finder"
shut down
end tell
if start_timer = "no" then
end if
end repeat
quit application "iTunes"
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set shutdown_button to button returned of (display dialog "would you like to shut down?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})
if shutdown_button = "yes" then shut down
if shutdown_button = "no" then
end if
end tell
I’m really not clear about what it is you are trying to achieve. What is clear is that you need more work on your compound if-then-else statements. Is this what you mean?
set timer_maybe to button returned of (display dialog "would you like to set a timer to shutdown?" buttons {"yes", "no"} default button 1)
if timer_maybe = "yes" then
set how_long to text returned of (display dialog "How Long? (In minutes)" default answer "") as number
delay (how_long * minutes)
tell application "Finder" to shut down
else if timer_maybe = "no" then
tell application "iTunes"
set button_push to button returned of (display dialog " ?controls ?" buttons {"track change", "PlayPause", "quit"} default button 2)
if button_push = "track change" then
set track_button to button returned of (display dialog "next track or last track?" buttons {"last track", "next track"})
if track_button = "next track" then
next track
else if track_button = "last track" then
back track
end if
else if button_push = "PlayPause" then
else if button_push = "quit" then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
set shutdown_button to button returned of (display dialog "Would you like to shut down?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})
if shutdown_button = "Yes" then tell application "Finder" to shut down
end if
Yeah, what Jonn said. Basically, pay attention to your if statements that have more than one condition. In other words if there are two possible inputs or arguments to an if statement it should go like this:
If variable_A = X then
do something
else if variable_A = Y then
do something different
end if
In your code, you didn’t include any instances of “else if” where they need to be. You just made additional if statements. Just remember, if there’s one or more “if’s” between the opening “if” and the “end if”, then you need to precede each additional “if” with the word “else”. Clear on that?
Fix your “if-then-else” statements, and your script should work.
Good Luck.