"If /then" scripting question

Help needed! I’m working on an “approve/reject” script that will run inside an image automating piece of software. We had a version that worked great in 9.2 but now I’m trying to make this work in 10.4.11.

Basically the software “reviews” image files within a group of folders on one computer; each folder has a distinct name, of course; when an “approve” button is clicked, the file should move to a new postprocessing location. The applecscript has to tell the file where to go, based upon which folder it’s currently in (the review folders have names that refer to final destinations.

Anyway, I need to use an “if…then” piece that will run through the the various folders: " If this image is in folder X, then move the processed file to folder Y on remote machine".

Here’s how the snipet worked in 9.2:

property approvedFolderName : "IT Approved"

on approved(origfile, procfile)
		tell application "Finder"
			set newfile to (container of procfile as string) & approvedFolderName
			if not (exists (folder newfile)) then
				set newfolder to (make new folder at (container of procfile))
				set name of newfolder to approvedFolderName
			end if
			set newfolder to (folder newfile)
			move procfile to newfolder
			set destfolder to container of procfile as string
			if destfolder is "Itune2:Desktop Folder:Intellitune Output:OCHC:IT Approved:" then
				duplicate procfile
				move procfile to folder "XP2-COLOR In" of desktop
			end if

and so on

In 10.4.11 I’ve tried to translate this over but can’t get this to run…

this version

property approvedFolderName : "IT Approved"

on approved(origfile, procfile)
		tell application "Finder"
			set newfile to (container of procfile as string) & approvedFolderName
			if not (exists (folder newfile)) then
				set newfolder to (make new folder at (container of procfile))
				set name of newfolder to approvedFolderName
			end if
			set newfolder to (folder newfile)
			move procfile to newfolder
			set destfolder to container of procfile as string
			if destfolder is "Intellitune2:Users:intellitune2:Public:INTELLITUNE 4.0 OUTPUT:4OCHC:IT Approved" then
				duplicate procfile
				move procfile to "Intellitune1:Users:intellitune1:Desktop:TestOutput"
			end if
		end tell
		return 0
	on error errStr
		display dialog errStr
	end try
end approved

this correctly makes the copy and places it into “IT Approved” but WILL NOT send the file to another computer…I’ve stripped this down to just the move part:



you really need to wrap some tags around your code

I’ll do it for you this time :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks hendo13. Let me help you with that. :slight_smile:

why thank you good sir :smiley:

thanks guys for cleaning up my post! Now does anybody have an idea why the OSx version doesn’t work?