Ignore Error??

I have this script

tell application "Address Book"
	set myPerson to person 4
	set {workMail, homeMail} to {"", ""}
	tell myPerson
		set workMail to value of first email whose label = "Work"
		set homeMail to value of first email whose label = "Home"
	end tell
	return {workMail, homeMail}
end tell

which works fine if myPerson has both a home and a work e-mail entry.
If that person doesn’t have a work e-mail, an error occures.
If I put the set statements inside a single try block, and the person has no work e-mail, the error sends exicution to the end of the try block and misses the home e-mail

So, I have multiple try blocks.

tell application "Address Book"
	set myPerson to person 4

	set {workMail, homeMail} to {"", ""}
	tell myPerson
			set workMail to value of first email whose label = "Work"
		end try
			set homeMail to value of first email whose label = "Home"
		end try
	end tell
	return {workMail, homeMail}
end tell

Is there a way to put the set statements inside a single try block?

No, you have to test for each possible error individually, just as you have done.
