Illustator Save Function and File Extension

Using Illustrator CS4 and CS6 on Mac 10.6:

The save function below works fantastic. However, a file extension is being omitted if the end-user chooses to click on a grayed out file name within the “choose file name” window. In other words, clicking on a file called “” will become “myverycoollogo”. Illustrator itself does not behave like this, so I was wondering if anybody was aware of a simple code adjustment to address this? I’ll be honest, this is not a showstopper, after all, it just requires one to enter the extension.


on mainAI()
	--Put a longer time out function
	with timeout of 7200 seconds -- (provides two hours for any script activity) 
		tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
			set meshCount to count every mesh item of document 1
			if ((count documents) > 0) then
					set CurrentMode to color space of current document
				end try
				if CurrentMode = RGB then
					set userResponse to (display dialog "RGB  ” Click Cancel (Then Fix File)" buttons {"Continue", "Cancel"} default button 2 with icon 2)
					if button returned of userResponse is "No" then return
				end if
				-- Get the path to the current document, if such a path exists.
					set origPath to file path of current document as Unicode text
					-- Rather uselessly, Script Editor and TextEdit return POSIX paths here.
					-- Here's a trap in case Illustrator does the same.
						origPath as alias
					on error
						set origPath to origPath as POSIX file as Unicode text
					end try
				on error
					set origPath to ""
				end try
				-- Set a default save name for the document.
					set currentName to name of current document
					if (currentName does not end with ".ai") then set currentName to currentName & ".ai"
				on error
					set currentName to ""
				end try
				-- Prompt for a save name and location. Default to the document's current location
				-- if it has one, otherwise to the last one used by the application.
				if ((count origPath) > 0) then
					set newFile to (choose file name with prompt "Save this document as." default location (origPath as alias) default name currentName)
					set newFile to (choose file name with prompt "Save this document as." default name currentName)
				end if
				-- Check that the ".eps" hasn't been lost from the name.
				repeat until ((newFile as Unicode text) ends with ".ai")
					set newFile to (choose file name with prompt "The name you choose must have an ".ai" extension. Save this document as." default name ((newFile as Unicode text) & ".ai"))
				end repeat
				--display dialog "doing this"
				-- Create the new file if it doesn't exist.
					open for access newFile
					close access newFile
				end try
				--display dialog "doing this"
					save current document in newFile as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, embed linked files:true, PDF compatible:true, font subset threshold:0.0, compressed:true}
				end try
				--save current document in newFile as Illustrator
				--close current document saving no
			end if
		end tell
	end timeout
end mainAI

As I don’t own Illustrator I can’t test but I feel that you may replace these three instructions :
repeat until ((newFile as Unicode text) ends with “.ai”)
set newFile to (choose file name with prompt “The name you choose must have an “.ai” extension. Save this document as.” default name ((newFile as Unicode text) & “.ai”))
end repeat

by :
set newfile to POSIX path of newfile
if newfile does not end with “.ai” then set newfile to newfile & “.ai”
set newfile to POSIX file newfile

Yvan KOENIG running El Capitan 10.11.2 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 11 janvier 2016 21:08:50

Hi Yvan,
Unfortunately the script still behaves the same with those lines replaced.