Fairly new to Applescript, but have poked through some scripts before.
What I am trying to do:
Point Illustrator at a folder of legacy Illustrator documents (versions CS and earlier), open them in Illustrator CS2, update the legacy text on-the-fly, and save out as Illustrator PDFs with a particular job option applied.
I can do this all manually, but there are about 24 GBs of Illustrator and associated files (Photoshop, text, Excel) that make the propect of a manual process tedious, to say the least.
While I can use the action pallette to automate the open/save portion, actions created this way ignore the legacy text update option and do not save in the action the choice of a particular job option file.
Would something like this be te right way to start: (?)
tell application “Finder”
set sourceFolder to choose folder with prompt “Select the folder with files for processing.”
set destFolder to choose folder with prompt “Select the destination folder.”
set fileList to every file of folder sourceFolder as alias list
set fileCount to count folder sourceFolder
if fileCount is not 0 then
repeat with aFile in fileList
set fName to name of aFile
set newFilePath to destFolder & fName as string
tell application “Adobe Illustrator CS2”
open aFile
do foo without dialogs
save current document in file newFilePath as pdf with options {class:PDF save options, compatibility:Illustrator CS2, preview:color Macintosh, embed linked files:true, include document thumbnails:true, embed all fonts:true, CMYK PostScript:true, PostScript:level 2} with replacing
close current document saving no
end tell
end repeat
end if
end tell
Any help much appreciated!
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