Illustrator CS (v 11.0.0) Postscript custom page size...?

This is the script I’ve written so far, which doesn’t work:

property wn : ""
property wi : ""
property hn : ""
property hi : ""
property wdecs : ""
property hdecs : ""
property wdecsOne : ""
property wdecsTwo : ""
property wdecsThree : ""
property hdecsOne : ""
property hdecsTwo : ""
property hdecsThree : ""
set filepath to "DistillerIHT:In:" as Unicode text
tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set user interaction level to never interact
	set OldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	tell document 1
		set wn to get width as number as text
		set wi to get width as integer
		set hn to get height as number as text
		set hi to get height as integer
	end tell
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
		set wdecs to the second text item of wn as text
	end try
		set hdecs to the second text item of hn as text
	end try
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set wdecsOne to the first text item of wdecs as text
	end try
		set wdecsTwo to the second text item of wdecs as text
	end try
		set wdecsThree to the third text item of wdecs as text
	end try
		set hdecsOne to the first text item of hdecs as text
	end try
		set hdecsTwo to the second text item of hdecs as text
	end try
		set hdecsThree to the third text item of hdecs as text
	end try
	set theWidth to wi & "." & wdecsOne & wdecsTwo & wdecsThree as text
	set theHeight to hi & "." & hdecsOne & hdecsTwo & hdecsThree as text
	--set paperProps to {class:paper properties, custom paper:true, height:theHeight, width:theWidth}
	--set thePaper to {class:paper, properties:paperProps}
	set thisDoc to name of current document as text
	set FullPath to filepath & thisDoc & ".ps"
	set ppdFileName to "Adobe PDF" as Unicode text
	set paperOpts to {class:paper options, height:theHeight, width:theWidth}
	set postOpts to {class:postscript options, PostScript:level 2}
	set jobOpts to {class:job options, print as bitmap:false, file path:FullPath}
	set printOpts to {class:print options, job settings:jobOpts, paper settings:paperOpts, postscript settings:postOpts, printer name:"Adobe Postscript® File", PPD name:ppdFileName}
	print current document options printOpts without dialogs
end tell

I cannot figure out how to set a custom paper size. You can see that I’ve tried a number of different ways of going about it. The awkward thing about is…when I have the paper settings in the job, print, or postscript options, the error it returns is on the last line. It can’t get the current document.

As you can see this script determines the size of the document and is supposed to use the determined size in the script. It needs to do this to be dynamic. It’s just not working out though.

Any insight…anyone?


I’m not sure but it looks to me that your line

is correct, but above in the lines

you’re setting the height and width variables to text instead of numbers. These items need to be numbers . You could also use something like this

set h to height of current document
set w to width of current document

which will return the size of the document.
