illustrator CS4: How do i set save options replacing to 'Ask'


I’ve got a script that saves illustrator files. I thought the default save option was to ask, but instead my script ignores saving if an existing file of the same name is present, and doesn’t error out.

Saving with ‘replacing’ replaces the old file, but how do I force illustrator to ‘ask’ before overwriting an existing file.



set ptd to path to desktop as text
set savePath to (ptd & "ftp Downloads:Saved.eps") as text
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	save current document in file savePath as eps ¬
		with options {class:EPS save options, compatibility:Illustrator 8 ¬
		, preview:color Macintosh ¬
		, embed linked files:true ¬
		, include document thumbnails:true ¬
		, embed all fonts:true ¬
		, CMYK PostScript:true ¬
		, PostScript:level 2} with replacing
end tell

It’s ok, i double checked the dictionary and it’s only possible for the Flash format saving.

So I’ve had to write a routine to check for the filename first.



tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
				delay 1
				set bypass to true
					set savePath to ContainerFolder & "3-ENGRAVE READY:" & tempWindowName & ".eps" as text
					tell application "Finder"
						if exists file savePath then
							display dialog "The file '" & tempWindowName & ".eps' already exists. Do you want to rename it or overwrite it?" buttons {"Cancel", "Change Name", "Overwrite it"} default button 2
							set temp to the button returned of the result
							set bypass to (temp is in {"Overwrite it", "Change Name"})
							if temp = "Change Name" then
								display dialog "Change Name to..." default answer tempWindowName buttons {"OK"} default button 1
								set tempWindowName to the text returned of the result
							end if
							if temp = "Overwrite it" then exit repeat
							exit repeat
						end if
					end tell
				end repeat
				if bypass then
						save current document in file savePath as eps ¬
							with options {class:EPS save options ¬
							, compatibility:Illustrator 8 ¬
							, preview:color Macintosh ¬
							, embed linked files:true ¬
							, include document thumbnails:true ¬
							, embed all fonts:true ¬
							, CMYK PostScript:true ¬
							, PostScript:level 2} with replacing
						--close current document saving no
						my SayTheSound("Document saved")
					on error errmsg
						set msgString to "I couldn't automatically save the file, please save it manually. " & return & errmsg
						my Showmessage(msgString)
						my SayTheSound("I couldn't automatically save the file, please save it manually.")
					end try
				end if
			end tell