Illustrator find characters in list and get text font

I am a relative beginner to applescript and have attempted to adapt scripts that I have found on this site for my needs.

I need to find the text font of various characters that appear in a text frame in Illustrator, find the text font and then add it to a list of fonts. I have based this on the script posted by misterfriendly here:

The problem with his script is that because it only looks at the first characters it will miss characters further on in the text that have different formatting. The ultimate aim for me is to have a list of all fonts used in the document. I will then put this list into a text frame in our slug. (This last bit I haven’t done yet, but I feel confident I can do that!)

Here is my attempt at the script:

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set docRef to document 1
	set findCharacters to {"®", "â„¢"}
	set textItemList to every story of docRef
	set fontList to ""
	repeat with textart in textItemList
		set charCount to count of characters in textart
		if charCount > 0 then
			repeat with charNumber from 1 to charCount
				repeat with i from 1 to count of findCharacters -- the idea is to work through the list
					set characterFont to the name of text font of character (item i of findCharacters) of text of textart
					if (not (fontList contains characterFont)) then
						set fontList to fontList & characterFont & return
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

set myPref to button returned of (display dialog (name of docRef) & " contains the following fonts:" & return & return & (fontList as text) & return & "Save font list as a text file?" buttons {"Cancel", "Save"} default button 2)
if myPref = "Save" then
	set theText to "Fonts used in " & (name of docRef) & return & return & fontList as text
	tell application "TextEdit"
		set myDoc to (make new document with properties {text:theText})
		tell myDoc
		end tell
	end tell
end if

I get: error “Adobe Illustrator got an error: The collection does not support getting elements by name” number 1304 from text “®” of every text of story 1 of document 1

I would greatly appreciate any help on this, I am tearing my hair out!

I found the solution myself! No hair left now though.

However, in the end I have taken a different approach. The original intention was to ensure that there are no fonts left off the list. I have posted the solution at misterfriendly’s original post:

My solution to the special characters is here:

set docRef to document 1
set charList to {"®", "©"}
set fontList to ""

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		repeat with i from 1 to count of charList
				considering case
					set allCharacters to (every character of every story whose contents contains item i of charList)
					repeat with x from 1 to count of allCharacters
						set characterFont to the name of (text font of item x) of allCharacters -- of application "Adobe Illustrator"
						if (not (fontList contains characterFont)) then
							set fontList to fontList & characterFont & ", "
						end if
					end repeat
				end considering
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	if exists (text frame "titleblock-fonts" of document 1) then
		set contents of text frame "titleblock-fonts" of document 1 to fontList
	end if
end tell

Please note that my script puts the result in a named text frame.