illustrator masking

I need to mask objects in illustrator …
I can do this using GUI scripting but it takes too long.

Does anybody know how to make a mask without using GUI scripting


Hi mm

To script a mask in illustrator
you need to make the objects you want masking into a group then say create a rectangle at the beginning of that group.
then “set clipped of that group to true” an d that should do it!!
sorry to be a bit vague but it can be done without GUI i’ll try and dig something out i have!

try this

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set g to make new group item at end of layer 1 of document 1
	set t to make new star in document 1
	set p to position of t
	set f to make new ellipse in document 1 with properties {position:p}
	move every path item of layer 1 of document 1 to end of g
	set clipped of g to true
end tell

With objects already made and top item your path item to use as mask it’s as straight forward as

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set MyStuff to every page item
		set MyGroup to make new group item at beginning
		move MyStuff to beginning of MyGroup
		set properties of MyGroup to {clipped:true}
	end tell
end tell

a note of caution if you require moving this group later that the visual bounds does not appear to calculate correct with masked groups.

WOW thank you both thats awesome!!!:cool:

Ok this is cool but for some reason it won’t work with a compound path as the top object ?


anyone have any ideas on how I can make the masking work with a compound path item as the top most object in the group


Hi mm

I think you may have hit on something there, i’m struggling to get it to work as well.
Maybe a bug.
You might need to go down the GUI route to get the result your after unless someone else has the answer.


I actually got it to work after making some hoops. I have it working in my script but now I’m having trouble simplifying it so I can post it here basically you have to make a temp item set the group to clipped then set clipping of every path item of the compound path then delete the temp item. But I’ll post it here soon

Hi mm

Strangely enough i got this working for me must have just been the way i set the file up.

i had a couple of compound paths in my do then run this it worked fine:

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set g to make new group item at beginning of document 1
	set t to make new star at beginning of document 1 with properties {position:{200, 1000}}
	move every path item of document 1 to beginning of g
	set clipped of g to true
end tell


I think that is because you are making the star the mask; correct ?


Hi mm

Yes correct!

By the sounds of your post i guess i’ve got the wrong end of the stick??

if you mean the compound path as the mask then the result i get is the top most path item within the compound path is turned into the mask.


yeah, I’m trying to create the mask using the compound path as the mask item, so if you where to continue on with what you have like this

tell application “Adobe Illustrator”
set g to make new group item at beginning of document 1
set t to make new star at beginning of document 1 with properties {position:{200, 1000}}
move every path item of document 1 to beginning of g
set clipped of g to true
set clipping of path items of first compound path item of g to true
delete t
end tell

it should work! but you shouldn’t have to make a temp item to do this.


edit: Your compound path must not contain any groups

Hi Mike

I get varying results with all these different scripts in this thread and they all work! in one way or another so i’ve kinda lost track what was
initially wanted, but if this works for your purposes then good.