Illustrator rotate

the first rotation works but I can seem to pas the point of rotation in

set PointOfRotation to "top left"
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about top right
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about PointOfRotation
	end tell
end tell

I would appreciate any help


Hi mm

try this:

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set PointOfRotation to top left
	tell document 1
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about top right
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about PointOfRotation
	end tell
end tell

you had “top left” as a string in your variable outside you illustrator tell block
top left is an illustrator constant so you can only use it when speaking to illustrator.


thanks I got that, but I need to read the command from a text file and passing it in as a parameter in a sub routine…


Can you wrap in using terms from?

using terms from application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set PointOfRotation to top left
end using terms from

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about top right
		rotate page item 1 angle 90 about PointOfRotation
	end tell
end tell

thats what I ended up doing but I had to make a sub routine to convert the many different options but as it turned out this is not a good method as it rotates the items by there individual dimensions rather than as a whole so now I have to figure out how to set the page origin to the point of origin that I want to rotate the whole group by so if I want to rotate the everything in the group from the bottom left I have to set the ruler orign to the bottom left of the group this should be fun


Sorry I can’t work out what exactly your trying to rotate, is it a group item or selection of items?

all the items on a layer without having to group them

Hi mm

Could you not group them rotate them then ungroup them!

maybe but I would rather not

Hi mm

Does this get you anywhere:

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set d to current document
	set theOrigin to ruler origin of d as list
	set properties of d to {ruler origin:{0, 0}}
	set selection to every page item of d
	set f to selection
	set PointOfRotation to document origin
	tell d
		--rotate selection angle 90 about top right
		rotate f angle 90 about PointOfRotation
	end tell
end tell

yes… thank you I got there about the same time