Illustrator Stroke Weights. (Unrelated to Past Post)

Can somebody PLEASE help me out here?
I would love to have this javascript converted to AppleScript. Problem is, Illustrator CS upon restart doesn’t hold actions that are assigned to a Quickey. But if this were in Applescript, I could then embed it in the Quickey and hopefully that would do the trick?

The script is designed to change a stroke width by .5 pt increments. (a keyboard shortcut, I am surprised doesn’t exist). I will obviously need one to decrease by .5 pt increments as well, but that should be easy to modify.

If someone could solve this dilemma, it would be appreciated beyond belief.




Don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but here it goes.

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set thisDoc to current document
	tell thisDoc
		set theItems to every page item
		repeat with theItem in theItems
			if selected of theItem is true then
				set strokeWidth to stroke width of theItem
				set properties of theItem to {stroke width:(strokeWidth + 0.5)}
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

I tried setting a variable to page item whose stroked is true but was running into problems with that line. I’ll see if I can streamline it some. Meanwhile someone else will probably get something that will work a little quicker.


P.S. This will run into problems if the selected item is text or a group item. You’ll have to add code for these situations.

This is definitely a plus, and it is on the right track. Having it increase the stroke widths of a selected group would be preferred.
Unfortunately, I still don’t know enough to include that group parameter. So if anyone could join in that would be much appreciated.
Regardless, this is great and I am very grateful for your help.


Try this.

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set thisDoc to current document
	tell thisDoc
		set theItems to every group item
		set itemCount to count theItems
		display dialog itemCount
		repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
			if selected of page item i is true then
				set theItem to page item i
				get properties of theItem
				if class of theItem is not (group item) then
					set strokeWidth to stroke width of theItem
					set properties of theItem to {stroke width:(strokeWidth + 0.5)}
					move every path item of selection to beginning of layer "Layer 1"
					set gItems to every page item of layer "Layer 1"
					repeat with newItem in gItems
						set strokeWidth to stroke width of newItem
						set stroke width of newItem to (strokeWidth + 0.5)
					end repeat
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

This will do group items (as long as there is no text) and single path items. If you need this to work for text, that can be arranged.


P.S. Forgot to say that the move every path item line ungroups the grouped item. I have not figured out how to regroup selected items. Don’t know if it’s possible. I can make new items and put them in a group but grouping existing items is another question.

Pretech, I really appreciate you looking into this. This script did throw up a dialog box, returning a 0 for one selected object, and no result. So it seems to only work on a selection of grouped paths. Oddly when I activated the script was giving me an error saying:
Adobe Illustrator CS got an error: Can’t get stroke width of text frame 1 of layer 1 of document 1.

Yes, my mistake, I did have text on the document, but it wasn’t selected (I thought that is what you meant). But it dawned on me, after removing the text and selecting a grouped object, the script worked but it affected all the paths on the document, not just the selected ones?

Unfortunately I do need the script to work on grouped and non grouped objects and only the selected paths. And it has to work with text appearing somewhere else on the document. But it doesn’t have to work on stroked text, the javascript doesn’t do that either.

Now for some bad news:
I did give out false information before. The javascript, targeted by a Quickey will hold even after a restart.
But that is not to say I wouldn’t rather have an Applescript. It is nice to have everything unified into one Quickey. And javascripts cannot be embedded into the Quickey the way AppleScripts can. Well, at least with the version of Quickeys I am using.

Sorry Jeff, I posted this too quickly. I’ll look into it more in the morning unless someone posts a solution before that. I have it set to iterate only through the grouped items. Now strangely it doesn’t work on my computer even for just the grouped item. I’ll figure it out.



As usual I made this harder than it needs to be. You do not have to ungroup a grouped set of path items in order to perform some action on the elements. So here is another try.

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set thisDoc to current document
		set pathItems to every path item of thisDoc
	on error
		display dialog "There are no path items in this doc." giving up after 2
	end try
	set cnt to count pathItems
	repeat with anItem in pathItems
		if selected of anItem is true then
			set strokeWidth to stroke width of anItem
			set properties of anItem to {stroke width:(strokeWidth + 0.5)}
		end if
	end repeat
		set textItems to every text frame of thisDoc
	on error
		display dialog "There are no text items in thisDoc" giving up after 2
	end try
	set txtCnt to count textItems
	repeat with tItem in textItems
		if selected of tItem is true then
			--do something with the text
			display dialog "selected text"
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

Maybe this is closer to what you’re looking for.


I’ve finally upgraded to CS2 so I can’t guarantee this will work but I’m pretty sure it will (except for the app name).

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		repeat with thisPath in sel
				if stroked of thisPath then set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

This will increase the stroke width of only selected items, doesn’t matter if they are in a group or not. Did you only want to effect objects a part of a group? If an element of a group is selected but not the entire group, did you still want to effect the rest of the group? The ‘try’ block is to avoid errors due to elements that don’t respond to ‘stroke width’. And I’m not sure if it will increase the stroke width of unstroked items without the if statement (I’ll check).

Just checked: it doesn’t. Here’s a script that makes unstroked paths stroked and gives them a 0.5 pt stroke width:

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		repeat with thisPath in sel
				if stroked of thisPath then
					set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
					set properties of thisPath to {stroked:true, stroke width:0.5}
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

This is working great!
I can’t see a flaw in it. But I must be honest, and this wasn’t the intention, but how difficult would this be to have such a scrip also work on stroked text. It wasn’t until now, that I realized my old javascript didn’t work on stroked text either. But come to think of it, increasing stroke weights on logos is one of the more common Illustrator tasks our operators do :frowning:
Just thought I would throw the idea out there.

Yet this script alone is awesome, nice job :slight_smile:
Thank you.

I’ll look into having it work on text. It shouldn’t be too tough.

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		repeat with thisPath in sel
				if class of thisPath is not text frame then
					if stroked of thisPath then
						set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
						set properties of thisPath to {stroked:true, stroke width:0.5}
					end if
					if class of stroke color of (text of story of thisPath) is no color info then
						tell text of story of thisPath to set stroke weight to 0.5
						tell text of story of thisPath to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
					end if
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

I’ve discovered a small problem. Adding a stroke to an unstroked item at first made the stroke black, after testing the text frame mods, the stroke it added to path items was white. So the script might need to assign the stroke a color to get reliable results.

That would be great. But in all honestly, I would like for the script to behave as close to the way Illustrator normally would as if someone had to enter the stroke palette. Keeping that in mind, it should increase the stroke weights of a selected “group”. In other words, no need to use the “group selection” tool. Yet a selected item of a group selected via the “group selection” tool should only have the specific grouped item’s strokes increased.
And it should not add a stroke if a path item had no stroke in the first place.
PreTech’s last script seemed to have had all those variables accounted for. Yet, I am trying to test and type as fast as possible, so I may not have caught everything.


You all can script faster than I can type.

Joseph, you have kicked the type issue. Is it possible to account for highlighted type? Your script works off of selecting type via the selection tools. Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset, only asking. This is a huge improvement.
Now, if your type functionality could only be combined with the functionality of PreTech’s script, the world may stop :slight_smile:

Well, that makes it easier (before your last post).

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		repeat with thisPath in sel
				if class of thisPath is not text frame then
					if stroked of thisPath then set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
					if class of stroke color of (text of story of thisPath) is not no color info then
						tell text of story of thisPath to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
					end if
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Okay. This checks if the selection is text or if it’s a list (of selected path items).

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		if class of sel is list then
			repeat with thisPath in sel
					if class of thisPath is not text frame then
						if stroked of thisPath then set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
						if class of stroke color of (text of story of thisPath) is not no color info then
							tell text of story of thisPath to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
						end if
					end if
				end try
			end repeat
		else if class of sel is text then
			tell sel to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
		end if
	end tell
end tell

Joseph, this is almost dead on. Unfortunately, it would be 100% perfect if it also included a parameter that PreTech’s script did. That script allowed for grouped items to have their strokes increased without the need for direct selecting the path.
I may be able to tweak both scripts to allow for this. But then again, it would take me awhile if I were to even be successful.
Thanks again for you fast and nice work!

So, do you want to change the selected elements then look for group items and change them, too?

Not exactly,
It should only work on selected items. But if the selected items happen to be grouped then it should increase the stroke weight on those items. Presently your script will not increase the stroke weight on a selection that contains a grouped item.
I was referring to “Direct Selection” as the Illustrator tool, that allows one to select the individual paths of a grouped item (as opposed to the “Selection Tool”). You were probably thinking that I meant I wasn’t selecting them at all. Sorry about the confusion.

Okay, I totally understand now. I think it was a mental block on my part since I always use the direct selection tool, sorry.

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set sel to selection
		if class of sel is list then
			repeat with thisPath in sel
					if class of thisPath is not text frame and class of thisPath is not group item then
						if stroked of thisPath then set stroke width of thisPath to (stroke width of thisPath) + 0.5
					else if class of thisPath is text frame then
						if class of stroke color of (text of story of thisPath) is not no color info then
							tell text of story of thisPath to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
						end if
					else if class of thisPath is group item then
						set tmp to every path item of thisPath
						repeat with thisGroupItem in tmp
							if stroked of thisGroupItem then set stroke width of thisGroupItem to (stroke width of thisGroupItem) + 0.5
						end repeat
					end if
				end try
			end repeat
		else if class of sel is text then
			if class of stroke color of sel is not no color info then
				tell sel to set stroke weight to stroke weight + 0.5
			end if
		end if
	end tell
end tell

You did it!!! :smiley:
This is working exactly as I want it to. Thank you so much for all the time invested in this. I hope others use this as well, it makes sense to. After all, it should be in the program in the first place.
