Illustrator Swatch Rename

Hi All,

My new Bom, but this time I tried myself :frowning: but unable to do it.

I have few Illustrator 10.0.3 document in which there is a swatch named “AnnoFromUS”, I want to renaem it as “PoojaAnno”, and check is it spot color or not.

If it is not a spot color then made it as spot color. I want to remove every process color from this document except “Black”.

Please see my code, since I am hang in the very first line so that’s why I need your help.

tell application "Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3"
	tell front document
		tell swatch
			set color of "AnnoForm" to "PoojaAnno"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

It is very urgent for me. Please I would appreciate everyone of this forum fo any input.

Thanks in advance.


You need to tell Illustrator which swatch you are addressing and what property you want to change. The below will change the name of the swatch to the new name that you want.

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	tell front document
		set name of swatch "AnnoFromUS" to "PoojaAnno"
	end tell
end tell

Thanks a lot…
