im struggling with where to include the ink options for the print options in illustrator. i know its possible from the reference guide (page 77) but i dont know where to put it…
basically, the default settings in the output section of the print dialog all need to be changed each time i print, and it’d be nice to automatically turn on and off swatches, set the ink properties, etc… the files always have the same swatch names (1 through 8 for the max of 8 screens), but the document does not usually have eight screens, and thusly not all 8 swatches…
so anyways, what im saying is, somewhere in this:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set jobOptions to {class:job options, copies:1, print area:artwork bounds}
set coordinateOptions to {class:coordinate options, fit to page:false}
set printOptions to {class:print options, job settings:jobOptions, coordinate settings:coordinateOptions}
print current document options printOptions with dialog
end tell
id like to be able to:
tell illustrator to print the file as separations
modify the frequency, angle, and dot shape for each ink that’s on the document
and deselect printing some of the inks it thinks i’ll want. namely the reg grid for those familiar with screenprint
any help would be much appreciated.
thanks guys,