Image Events Metadata tag

Well I’m still new to AppleScript and am having a bit of difficulty in pulling the “creation” from the metadata tag. What I’m wanting is only the creation date from the EXIF info. Now from a script I found I’m able to get the metadata from a given file:

set the_file to choose file
set {metaDataNames, metaDataValues} to my get_image_info(the_file)

on get_image_info(the_file)
	tell application "Image Events"
		set the_file to open the_file
		return {name of metadata tags of the_file, value of metadata tags of the_file}
	end tell
end get_image_info

However, I then get a list, of two lists with strings. How can I return only the creation value? Do I need to return them as above and then try to figure out which item in list 1 goes with list 2? If so… seems like lots of processing, and I’m drawing a blank on that course of action.

Any help will be appreciate.


if its just the creation date of a file that you need, then its as simple as this:

set the_file to choose file
set filedate to creation date of (info for result)

or, if you want to use get info for a path stored in a variable (for this example it will be fileName)

set filedate to creation date of (info for fileName)


If you need the creation date as set by the camera, then try the following:

set the_file to choose file
set {metaDataNames, metaDataValues} to my get_image_info(the_file)
set creationDate to my GetMetaData(metaDataNames, metaDataValues, "creation")

on get_image_info(the_file)
   tell application "Image Events"
       set the_file to open the_file
       return {name of metadata tags of the_file, value of metadata tags of the_file}
   end tell
end get_image_info

on GetMetaData(theNames, theValues, wantedValue)
	repeat with i from 1 to the number of items in theNames
		if item i in theNames is equal to wantedValue then
			return item i in theValues
		end if
	end repeat
	return ""
end GetMetaData

It’s not all that much processing really. The lists are small. There may be a better way but I haven’t used Image Events much.



Thanks for the response as it is exactly what I’m looking for!
