Image Events not working?

I’ve been given the seemingly simple task building a script that generates 3 sizes of a given TIFF.

Either Image Events is NOT working on 10.3.7, or I’ve butchered the sample code provided at

My source files are 50+ megs.

set this_file to choose file
set the target_path to (choose file name default name "MyNewImage.tif") as string

	tell application "Image Events"
		-- open the image file
		set this_image to open this_file
		-- perform action
		scale this_image by factor 0.5
		-- save in new file
		save this_image as TIFF in file target_path with icon
		-- purge the open image data
		close this_image
	end tell
on error error_message
	display dialog error_message
end try

No new files are being generated anywhere, nor am I getting any errors.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Your code worked as-is for me on OS X 10.3.7.

I created a test folder on my desktop and placed the original image inside it. Ran the script and selected this image. I then selected that same folder as the destination for the new file.

What kind of files are the files you are trying to convert?

Thanks for the reply. These are very large (50+ MB) Photoshop TIFFs. I understand the file type limitations of Image Events.

BTW, I did manage to make this code work on much smaller images. I’ve found some references on the web to the fact that Image Events can’t handle commands that take a long time, such as resizing, without putting some delays in the code somewhere.

My ultimate goal is to have an Original Tif, another at 50% of size, and one more at 75% of size.

I think Photoshop may be more suited to this task, but I’m not so sure.

Personally, I think Photoshop actions would serve your purpose even better than AS. If you’ve never used Photoshop actions, you should check it out…much easier than writing an AS too.

Another quirk I ran into, even when resizing smallish image files, was that Image Events would not resize properly if I ran 2 operations right after each other, such as you’re considering. These were “scale by a factor” operations. It did fine with one.

I used the Extra Suites ($10) scripting addition’s resizing command, which worked fine.

I can’t sell something that works part of the time, and since the large files are already open in Photoshop, I wrote a script that saves out 2 smaller versions of the flatted file.

Works every time, tested on 6 different configs.

Thanks for the input, people.


If your still having a problem try using iMagine Photo. I know it has worked on a tiff file 30,000 by 30,000 - the largest it can deal with and as long as you have the memory it can deal with it. The file size was greater than 1GB so a 50MByte tiff should be no problem.

I think you will find that it will outperform photoshop quite considerable if you have to process large numbers of files and it is free. and

or to checkout the documentation go to:

iMagine Photo comes with example scripts including a script to scale images.

I am the author.