iMessage - Sending Message to a Group

tell application "Messages"
	send "Test" to buddy "<buddyname>" of service 1 
end tell

Works to send a message to an individual buddy.

q: Is there a way to send the same message to a group as a group message?


You will need to get the group ID. You can ‘harvest’ it by getting Messages to display the group ID whenever you send a message and then message the group.

Thanks for the reply.

But if you don’t have group created and just want to send people a group message how would you go ahead and do that? more dynamically.


I’m also trying to send a message to all my buddies but can’t find how to get the group id.

I have created a Jabber server on my osx server and add the accounts.

On messages I’ve created a buddy group called All employees with all the buddies.

When contacting just one person have no issues (like example below)

tell application "Messages"
          send "please run software update" to buddy "hisname" of service "myjabberservername"
end tell

but when sending a message to all of them comes out with an error

tell application "Messages"
          send "The IT Dept informs you that you can install the new update" to buddygroup "All employees" of service "Myjabberservername"
end tell

Also have tried to change buddy group to buddy list but still no joy

the error is this:

error "Messages got an error: Can't make \"The IT Dept informs you that you can install the new update\" into type specifier." number -1700 from "The IT Dept informs you that you can install the new update" to specifier

what I’m doing wrong?
