Import the "ASS"-Template into Snow Leopard?


so we all know that ASS-support in 10.6 is depraced (sorry I forgot the word, not nativ :slight_smile: ).
It’s still possible to edit ASS and compile, but it’s not possible to creatve new ASS-projects since there is not template anymore.

Now, my (frankly uneducated) guess is, that apple just deleted the template for ASS-projects, since everything beside creating projects is still supported.

The problem is, I have only one mac and I updated to snow leopard last week, so i can’t copy the old templates to 10.6.

If anybody still has 10.5 installed (I guess quite a few didn’t jump on the ship yet or have two macs), could you provide the ASS-Template that is (should be) located somewhere in /Developer/Library/Xcode/Project Templates

That way I could try if it still works in 10.6 :slight_smile:

I’ve sent you an e-mail and PM with some further information.

Can someone send it to me? I am good at Studio and ASOC

Out on the website I found this:

NOTE: If it necessary to access AppleScript Studio templates in Snow Leopard, enter the following in the Terminal application:

defaults write IBEnableAppleScriptStudioSupport -bool YES

Thought it would be helpful.
