Importing the picture info into Filemaker 7

I need to “extract” information about a picture into a Filemaker 7 database. I need the size of the pictures stored in a field, how do I manage this? I have an old script that supposedly works for filemaker 6 but it doesnt work for Filemaker 7.

tell me
	-- Om "Filemaker Pro" måste namnet bytas till databasmotorns namn efter bindning...	
	--ta bildfilpath från fält
	set bildfilPath to cell "bildpath" of current record as string
on error
end try
end tell

tell application "Finder"
	set bildinfo to read file bildfilPath to 500
	--FileMaker stödjer inte READ
on error
--Finder fixade inte att läsa filen...
display dialog "Couldn´t find/read the image" buttons "OK"
end try
end tell

tell me
	tell database "Bilder.dss"
			set cell "Bildpath" of current record to bildfilPath as string
			set cell "Bildinfo" of current record to bildinfo as string
			set cell "Bild" of current record to file (bildfilPath)
			-- fungerar bara om filerna har pict preview??  			
		on error
		end try		
	end tell
end tell

I’m really not sure what you are doing in paragraph one of your script, but if you have an image already placed in your database the command you are using will give you the path to the original file you placed into the container for that record. Unless the original file still exists, the rest of your script will not work.

Here is a script where, if the original file exists, you can use “Image Events” to extract all kinds of information about that image. I have included all types that I know of off the top of my head.

set DB_Name to "Bilder.fm7"
set my_file to (choose file without invisibles) as string

tell application "Image Events"
	set my_image to open my_file
	tell my_image
		set the image_properties to the properties of my_image
		copy resolution to {the_width, the_height}
		set image_type to file type
		set color_space to color space
		set embedded_profile to embedded profile
		set bit_depth to bit depth
		set image_path to image file
		set image_location to location
		set image_class to class
		set image_size to dimensions
		set image_name to name
	end tell
	close my_image
end tell

tell document DB_Name of application "FileMaker Pro"
		set cell "Bildpath" of current record to image_path as string -- path of the image
		(* set cell "Bildinfo" of current record to bildinfo as string *) <- insert what info you want
		set cell "Bild" of current record to file (image_path) -- inserts the image into record container
	end try
end tell

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: After some modification it worked excellent :slight_smile: