I have tried it 10000000 times with every permutation of the examples seem. Sometimes it has work, but never the definitive program, but only simpler tests with simpler paths, or so. The errors it gives are not always the same, the the latests ones are: AppleEvent management error.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
delay 1
set mercadonaTicketsFolder to (((path to home folder) as string) & "Documents:documentos:Mercadona:")
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
save theAttachment in (mercadonaTicketsFolder & (name of theAttachment))
on error errMsg
display dialog "Error: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
Any help would be highly appreciated.
the save attachment line might need to have the file keyword like so…
save theAttachment in file (mercadonaTicketsFolder & (name of theAttachment))
But although it doesn’t complain with file
, it doesn’t do anything either. The last reference I took was the this one, and it doesn’t use the file
Funnily, it sometimes fails giving me the next attachment name:
MacBookAirHD:Users:juanfc:Library:Containers:com.apple.mail:Data:Documents:documentos:€:Mercadona:Maxwell eq.jpeg
with this script (the file Maxwell eq.jpeg
is the real name of my test mail attachment):
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
set mercadonaTicketsFolder to (((path to home folder) as string) & "Documents:documentos:€:Mercadona:")
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
display dialog (mercadonaTicketsFolder & (name of theAttachment))
save theAttachment in file (mercadonaTicketsFolder & (name of theAttachment))
on error errMsg
display dialog "Error: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
The final script I have “working” only does its job when the mail message is received alone. When the message arrives inside a bunch with others, it does the colouring and the other things, except the most important one I need, moving (or copying) the attachment to its folder.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
set mercadonaTicketsFolder to "MacBookAirHD:Users:me:Documents:documentos:€:Mercadona:"
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
set originalName to name of theAttachment
set savePath to mercadonaTicketsFolder & originalName
save theAttachment in file savePath
on error errMsg
display dialog "Error: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
The problem persists. It is clear for me now. The moment the script works the attachment is still not there, loaded, so immediately an error happens and the script fails. Always. I don’t know how to make it to load the attachment before execute the script