in memoriam

If Pages 5.2.x is available on your machine, run this short script.

set p2Doc to ((path to application "Pages") as text) & "Contents:Resources:Apple.txt"
tell application "Pages" to open file p2Doc

You will get the Steve Job’s allocution from Stanford.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 25 août 2014 11:59:19

Nice easter egg but a poor commencement speech, I’m tired of trials of Job like speeches but they seems to be very effective and inspirational to others for centuries.

The first paragraph is not from the Stanford allocution.

It would have been more logical to put it ” with a separator ” at the very end of the text.

For those sufficiently at ease with spoken English it’s probably better to listen the allocution on Youtube :
It’s available in several versions with subtitles in different languages.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 25 août 2014 13:48:45