tell window "main"
tell text field "name" to set content to «data utxt2635» as Unicode text
tell text field "album" to set content to «data utxt2631» as Unicode text
tell text field "artist" to set content to «data utxt2204» as Unicode text
end tell
Also, look at this in Script Editor:
display dialog «data utxt2635» as Unicode text
--> Displays corrrectly
«data utxt2635» as Unicode text
--> Doesn't display correctly
tell text field "Trigram" to set content to «data utxt2635» as Unicode text
… and AppleScript Studio sent me this on trying to run it:
/Users/Jeffrey/Calc/Calc.applescript:94: Expected expression but found unknown token. (-2741)
The guide says:Expected but found .
It didn’t work; I’m not sure why if it worked for you.
The script is encoded as UTF-8 Unicode. I attempted to convert it as UTF-16 Unicode, but when I do, though it looks fine, it won’t compile, so the script is UTF-8.
No file is being read or written. I simply want to insert, for example, ☱ (TRIGRAM FOR LAKE) glyph 3306 from the script directly into a text field.