Inconsistancey in Illustrator CS2

I wrote this sub routine to remove object out side of a given area but it does not consistently work. I ended up repeating 3 times with trying it seems to have problems finding the object it just found

here it ist

on RemoveStrayObjects(boundingBox)
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		tell document 1
			set theItems to page items
			set {LeftX, TopY, RightX, BottomY} to geometric bounds of page item boundingBox
			repeat 3 times
				repeat with anItem in theItems
						set {iLEftX, iTopY, iRightX, iBottomY} to geometric bounds of anItem
						if iBottomY > TopY or iTopY < BottomY or iLEftX > RightX or iRightX < LeftX then
							delete anItem
						end if
					end try
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end RemoveStrayObjects

thanks for your help

Has anyone had a chance to check this out ?

I even repaeting 3 times still does not resolve the prolem…

any help would be appreciated.



This is one off the first scripting projects i started to work on when i first started scripting.
Trying to do something very similar to what your trying to acheive.
I got a lot of help from Pretech on this!!

It never really got finished,cause the customer whose files where covered in junk managed to start deleting it before sending it to us. so there was no need.

Have a look at it and feel free to use and abuse it or not!!

set itemList to {}
set thePos to {}
set docBounds to {}
set theOrigin to {}
set minX to 0
set miny to 0
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set thisDoc to current document
	set maxX to width of thisDoc
	set maxY to height of thisDoc
	set theOrigin to ruler origin of thisDoc as list
	set properties of thisDoc to {ruler origin:{0, 0}}
	set itemCount to count every page item of thisDoc
	repeat with i from 1 to itemCount
		set selection to page item i of thisDoc
		set thePos to geometric bounds of the selection
		if item 1 of thePos is less than minX and item 3 of thePos is not greater than minX then
			set properties of selection to {name:"item" & i}
			if name of selection is not in itemList then
				set itemList to itemList & name of selection
			end if
		else if item 2 of thePos is less than 0 and item 4 of thePos is not greater than 0 then
			set properties of selection to {name:"item" & i}
			if name of selection is not in itemList then
				set itemList to itemList & name of selection
			end if
		else if item 1 of thePos is greater than maxX and item 3 of thePos is not less than maxX then
			set properties of selection to {name:"item" & i}
			if name of selection is not in itemList then
				set itemList to itemList & name of selection
			end if
		else if item 2 of thePos is greater than maxY and item 4 of thePos is not less than maxY then
			set properties of selection to {name:"item" & i}
			if name of selection is not in itemList then
				set itemList to itemList & name of selection
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	repeat with anItem in itemList
		set selection to page item anItem of thisDoc
		delete selection
	end repeat
	set properties of thisDoc to {ruler origin:{(item 1 of theOrigin), (item 2 of theOrigin)}}
end tell

might give you some ideas.
Re Looking at it now with a bit more knowledge i’m sure there is a lot better way of doing it! but theres some good stuff in there…
Hope it helps

ok so I fixed it… here i the final code I’m not sure how to submit the to the code exchange but I think it should go there!

what the problem was is that when I would delete the first item illustrator would then renumber them or at least thats what I think was happening so by going from the bottom up there was no need to renumber ?

on RemoveStrayObjects(boundingBox)
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		tell document 1
			set theItems to page items
			set {LeftX, TopY, RightX, BottomY} to geometric bounds of page item boundingBox
			set C to count of items in theItems
			repeat with i from C to 1 by -1
				set {iLEftX, iTopY, iRightX, iBottomY} to geometric bounds of item i of theItems
				if iBottomY > TopY or iTopY < BottomY or iLEftX > RightX or iRightX < LeftX then
					delete item i of theItems
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end RemoveStrayObjects

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