I am able to create a box in applescript and place my image in it.
tell myDocument
set myRectangle to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{1.5, 0.75, 11.5, 8}}
place alias (fPath) on myRectangle
fit rectangle 1 given center content
end try
end tell
My question is how do I target an image box that is labeled (specPDF) in an InDesign template.
All of the solutions I have found are old.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
set myDoc to active document
tell myDoc
set theRects to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "IMAGE"
place fPath as alias on theRects
end tell
end tell
I’m having a problem with it. The script you gave me is a part of a loop.
on inDesign(tifPath2, adSize)
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
set myDocument to document 1
tell myDocument
set theRects to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "tifPath"
place tifPath2 as alias on theRects
fit theRects given center content
end tell
print myDocument using "PrintTiff" without print dialog
delay 2
end tell
end inDesign
When it places the next graphic, it sizes it to the original size of the first graphic. I would like them to print the original size. Everything else works in my loop except for this.
I got it to kind of work by closing the InDesign template on each time for the loop instead of just replacing in info in the template.
I would still like to know why it was not working by replacing in images in the template.
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists disk "Pub-TLD") then
beep 2
display dialog "Please mount the Pub-TLD server before proceeding." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 10
return 0
end if
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
tell document "2015 GS_RVTG"
display dialog "Print TIFF files for the current found set of records?" buttons {"No", "OK"} default button 2 with icon 1
if button returned of result = "No" then
AdobeInDesignCCCloses() of me
return 0
end if
repeat with i from 1 to count of records
set artName to cell "ART" of record i
set advName to cell "ADVERTISER::ADV" of record i
set repName to cell "REP::REP_NM" of record i
set adSize to cell "AD_SZ" of record i
set modDate to cell "PRD_FIL_MOD" of record i as string
set currDate to cell "UTILITY::CUR_DATE" of record i
set adTraffic to cell "AD_TRAF" of record i
set adColor to cell "AD_COL" of record i
set lstCity to cell "ADVERTISER::ALC" of record i
set lstState to cell "ADVERTISER::ALST" of record i
set adSTate to cell "AD_ST" of record i
set adCity to cell "AD_TWN" of record i
set tifPath2 to cell "PRD_FIL_PATH" of record i
inDesign(lstCity, lstState, tifPath2, advName, artName, adSize, adColor, currDate, adTraffic, repName, modDate, adCity, adSTate) of me
set cell "STATUS" of record i to "Proofer"
set cell "ROUTE_TO" of record i to "Traffic"
end repeat
delay 1
display dialog "Finished!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 5
end tell
end tell
on inDesign(lstCity, lstState, tifPath2, advName, artName, adSize, adColor, currDate, adTraffic, repName, modDate, adCity, adSTate)
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
Template() of me
set myDocument to document 1
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Artist" to artName
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Ad Size" to adSize
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Adv Name" to advName
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Color" to adColor
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Date" to currDate
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Ad Traffic" to adTraffic
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Rep Name" to repName
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Mod Date" to modDate
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Ad State" to adSTate
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "Ad City" to adCity
set contents of every text frame of myDocument whose label is "see listing" to "See listing " & lstCity & ", " & lstState
tell myDocument
set theRects to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "tifPath"
place tifPath2 as alias on theRects
fit theRects given center content
end tell
tell myDocument
if adSize contains "F/P" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:FP.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
fit adGuide given center content
else if adSize contains "2P" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:FP.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
fit adGuide given center content
else if adSize contains "2 1/4" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:2-25.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
fit adGuide given center content
else if adSize contains "1 1/2" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:1-1-2.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
fit adGuide given center content
else if adSize contains "1/8-1" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:1-8-1.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
fit adGuide given center content
else if adSize contains "" then
set tifPath to "Pub-TLD: Directory TemplatesÆ’:Ad Guides:Blank.eps"
set adGuide to every item of all page items whose class is rectangle and label is "Guide"
place tifPath as alias on adGuide
end if
end tell
print myDocument using "PrintTiff" without print dialog
AdobeInDesignCCCloses() of me
end tell
end inDesign
on Template()
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
open alias "Pub-TLD: GS Directory Ad TemplatesÆ’:indesign:Print TIFF TL 15.indt"
zoom window 1 of document 1 given fit page
end tell
end Template
on AdobeInDesignCCCloses()
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC"
if exists document 1 then
close document 1 saving no
end if
end tell
end AdobeInDesignCCCloses