first off I am learning applescript…
I want to be able to automate my process for page layout and make sure no ads for the newspaper i work for are left out.
I want to be able to take the file names from CS to FMP 5.
radco.indd – get file name from CS – have file name send to FMP 5 “Name of File”
– Check Advertising Insertion Order ( FMP 5 database for the sales people ) --Check if radco is supposed to run – Yes then write to report
then check to see if Classified page #.indd has “Name of File” on it. if not then pop up message and warn that it isnt there. – Then take radco.indd and send any image names or files to “Files Placed Into Ad” ( just the names of the files not the files themselves )
Redo for each week.
I am getting myself an applescript book from borders today…
this is my AS knowledge right now LoL ( not really but you get my drift )
I have been searching around the net and havent come up with any thing close to this.
If i can get some pointers to help me on my journey it would be very helpful.
(* If this sort of thing hasnt been done then i would love to help out and let others use this as well once its done *)
I dont really want to be hand fed the script nor have someone else do it. I want to LEARN this… But pointers never hurt.
*** My example may be confusing but hopefully you get the jist of things i want to accomplish ***