Indesign CS - changing prefrences

I am runnig my image name tag script, that we can all find in INDESIGN CS Adobe exchange, and script is changing (under prefrences) Keyboard Increments : Cursor Key: to 0.0002in
is there something , some script that I can change it to 0.0139 in

Thanks a lot


tell application “InDesign CS”
if (count documents) > 0 then
my myDisplayDialog()
display dialog “Please open a document and try again!” buttons “Cancel” default button “Cancel”
end if
end tell

— Dialog Start
on myDisplayDialog()
tell application “InDesign CS”

	--Get a list of the color names of active document
	set myColorNames to name of every swatch of active document
	set myFirstColumnWidth to 150
	set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"Images Name Text Frame Options"}
	tell myDialog
		tell (make dialog column)
			--First Panel Border start
			tell (make border panel)
				tell (make dialog column)
					--Options for a paragraph style name
					tell (make dialog row)
						tell (make dialog column)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Paragraph Style Name:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog column)
							set myParaStyleName to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"ImagesTag_Style", min width:200}
						end tell
					end tell
					--Options for a text size
					set myTextSizeList to {"4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"}
					tell (make dialog row)
						tell (make dialog column)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Text Size:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog column)
							set myTextSizeDropdown to make dropdown with properties {string list:myTextSizeList, selected index:5, min width:200}
						end tell
					end tell
					--Popup Options which choice of Color for the Text
					tell (make dialog row)
						tell (make dialog column)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Text Color:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog column)
							set myTextColorDropdown to make dropdown with properties {string list:myColorNames, selected index:2, min width:200}
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
			tell (make dialog row)
				tell (make dialog column)
					make static text with properties {static label:"Warning: Font used for WHO AM I will be Geneva-Regular!"}
				end tell
			end tell
			--Second Panel Border start
			tell (make border panel)
				tell (make dialog row)
					tell (make dialog column)
						--Options for a paragraph style name
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Layer name:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								set myLayerName to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"ImagesTag_Layer", min width:200}
							end tell
						end tell
						--Options for dimensions of text frame
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Frame Size:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								tell (make dialog row)
									tell (make dialog column)
										make static text with properties {static label:"W:"}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										set myWFrame to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:72, edit units:points, small nudge:18, minimum value:36, maximum value:1224, min width:48}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										make static text with properties {static label:"H:"}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										set myHFrame to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:9, edit units:points, small nudge:1, minimum value:6, maximum value:288, min width:48}
									end tell
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
						--Options for offset value of text frame from Images frame
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Frame Offset:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								tell (make dialog row)
									tell (make dialog column)
										make static text with properties {static label:"X:"}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										set myXOffset to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:0, edit units:points, small nudge:1, minimum value:-72, maximum value:72, min width:48}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										make static text with properties {static label:"Y:"}
									end tell
									tell (make dialog column)
										set myYOffset to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:0, edit units:points, small nudge:1, minimum value:-72, maximum value:72, min width:48}
									end tell
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
						--Popup Options which choice of Color for the frame
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Frame Color:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								set myframeColorDropdown to make dropdown with properties {string list:myColorNames, selected index:0, min width:200}
							end tell
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
			--Third Panel Border start
			tell (make border panel)
				tell (make dialog column)
					--- Choose the position of the text frame
					set myLabelPositionList to {"Center on Image", "Center-Top-Outside", "Center-Top-Inside", "Center-Bottom-Outside", "Center-Bottom-Inside", "Top-Right-Outside", "Top-Right-Inside", "Bottom-Right-Outside", "Bottom-Right-Inside", "Top-Left-Outside", "Top-Left-Inside", "Bottom-Left-Outside", "Bottom-Left-Intside"}
					tell (make dialog row)
						tell (make dialog column)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Position of labels:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog column)
							set myLabelPositionDropdown to make dropdown with properties {string list:myLabelPositionList, selected index:0, min width:200}
						end tell
					end tell
					--- Choose the status of images
					set myImagesStatusList to {"All Images", "Up to Date", "Missing", "Modified", "Embeded"}
					tell (make dialog row)
						tell (make dialog column)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Images that are:", min width:myFirstColumnWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog column)
							set myImagesStatusDropdown to make dropdown with properties {string list:myImagesStatusList, selected index:0, min width:200}
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
			tell (make dialog row)
				tell (make dialog column)
					set myPathorName to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Use Full Path Instead of Name of image", checked state:false}
				end tell
			end tell
			tell (make dialog row)
				tell (make dialog column)
					set mySelorAll to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Create on Selected items only", checked state:false}
				end tell
			end tell
			-- Collecting Results
			set myResult to show myDialog
			if myResult is true then
				set myPSName to edit contents of myParaStyleName
				if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 0 then
					set myTextSize to 4
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 1 then
					set myTextSize to 5
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 2 then
					set myTextSize to 6
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 3 then
					set myTextSize to 7
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 4 then
					set myTextSize to 8
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 5 then
					set myTextSize to 9
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 6 then
					set myTextSize to 10
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 7 then
					set myTextSize to 11
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 8 then
					set myTextSize to 12
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 9 then
					set myTextSize to 13
				else if selected index of myTextSizeDropdown is 10 then
					set myTextSize to 14
				end if
				set myTextColor to item ((selected index of myTextColorDropdown) + 1) of myColorNames
				set myLayerN to edit contents of myLayerName
				set myW to edit value of myWFrame
				set myH to edit value of myHFrame
				set myXO to edit value of myXOffset
				set myYO to edit value of myYOffset
				set myFrameColor to item ((selected index of myframeColorDropdown) + 1) of myColorNames
				if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 0 then
					set myLabelPositon to 0
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 1 then
					set myLabelPositon to 1
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 2 then
					set myLabelPositon to 2
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 3 then
					set myLabelPositon to 3
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 4 then
					set myLabelPositon to 4
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 5 then
					set myLabelPositon to 5
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 6 then
					set myLabelPositon to 6
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 7 then
					set myLabelPositon to 7
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 8 then
					set myLabelPositon to 8
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 9 then
					set myLabelPositon to 9
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 10 then
					set myLabelPositon to 10
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 11 then
					set myLabelPositon to 11
				else if selected index of myLabelPositionDropdown is 12 then
					set myLabelPositon to 12
				end if
				if selected index of myImagesStatusDropdown is 0 then
					set myImagesStatus to 0
				else if selected index of myImagesStatusDropdown is 1 then
					set myImagesStatus to 1
				else if selected index of myImagesStatusDropdown is 2 then
					set myImagesStatus to 2
				else if selected index of myImagesStatusDropdown is 3 then
					set myImagesStatus to 3
				else if selected index of myImagesStatusDropdown is 4 then
					set myImagesStatus to 4
				end if
				set myText to checked state of myPathorName
				set myTarget to checked state of mySelorAll
				destroy myDialog
				my myLabelsOptions(myPSName, myTextSize, myTextColor, myLayerN, myW, myH, myXO, myYO, myFrameColor, myLabelPositon, myImagesStatus, myText, myTarget)
				destroy myDialog
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

end myDisplayDialog

on myLabelsOptions(myPSName, myTextSize, myTextColor, myLayerN, myW, myH, myXO, myYO, myFrameColor, myLabelPositon, myImagesStatus, myText, myTarget)
tell application “InDesign CS”
— Setting Measurement units to Point and Origin
set theOrigin to ruler origin of view preferences of document 1
if theOrigin is not spread origin then
set ruler origin of view preferences of document 1 to spread origin
end if
set myOldViewPreferences to properties of view preferences of active document
set horizontal measurement units of view preferences of active document to points
set vertical measurement units of view preferences of active document to points

	set myTextInfoLayerName to myLayerN
	set myDocument to active document
	tell myDocument
		set Info to make paragraph style with properties {name:myPSName, applied font:"Geneva", font style:"Regular", fill color:swatch myTextColor, point size:myTextSize, justification:center align}
			set myLayer to layer myTextInfoLayerName of myDocument
		on error
			-- Create the layer if it didn't already exist. 
			tell myDocument
				set myLayer to make layer
				set name of myLayer to myTextInfoLayerName
			end tell
		end try
		-- Search document for linked images 
		if myTarget is false then
			if myImagesStatus is 0 then
				set IDLinks to links
			else if myImagesStatus is 1 then
				set IDLinks to links whose status is normal
			else if myImagesStatus is 2 then
				set IDLinks to links whose status is link missing
			else if myImagesStatus is 3 then
				set IDLinks to links whose status is link out of date
			else if myImagesStatus is 4 then
				set IDLinks to links whose status is link embedded
			end if
				if myImagesStatus is 0 then
					set IDLinks to item link of all graphics of selection
				else if myImagesStatus is 1 then
					set IDLinks to item link of all graphics of selection whose status is normal
				else if myImagesStatus is 2 then
					set IDLinks to item link of all graphics of selection whose status is link missing
				else if myImagesStatus is 3 then
					set IDLinks to item link of all graphics of selection whose status is link out of date
				else if myImagesStatus is 4 then
					set IDLinks to item link of all graphics of selection whose status is link embedded
				end if
			on error
				display dialog "No image selected. Select one and try again!" buttons "Cancel" default button "Cancel"
			end try
		end if
		repeat with myCounter from 1 to (count IDLinks)
			set LinkName to name of item myCounter of IDLinks as string
			set theImage to parent of item myCounter of IDLinks
			set theFrame to parent of theImage
			set ImagePath to file path of item myCounter of IDLinks as string
			set ImgPos to geometric bounds of theFrame
				set theClass to class of parent of theFrame
				if theClass = spread then
					set theSpread to parent of theFrame
					exit repeat
					set theFrame to parent of theFrame
				end if
			end repeat
			-- Calculate position
			set myY1 to (item 1 of ImgPos) + myYO
			set myX1 to (item 2 of ImgPos) + myXO
			set myY2 to (item 3 of ImgPos) + myYO
			set myX2 to (item 4 of ImgPos) + myXO
			if myLabelPositon = 0 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {(myY1 + myY2) / 2 - (myH / 2), (myX1 + myX2) / 2 - (myW / 2), (myY1 + myY2) / 2 + (myH / 2), (myX1 + myX2) / 2 + (myW / 2)}
			else if myLabelPositon = 1 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 - myH, (myX1 + myX2) / 2 - (myW / 2), (myY1), (myX1 + myX2) / 2 + (myW / 2)}
			else if myLabelPositon = 2 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 + myH, (myX1 + myX2) / 2 - (myW / 2), myY1, (myX1 + myX2) / 2 + (myW / 2)}
			else if myLabelPositon = 3 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {(myY2), (myX1 + myX2) / 2 - (myW / 2), (myY2) + myH, (myX1 + myX2) / 2 + (myW / 2)}
			else if myLabelPositon = 4 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {(myY2) - myH, (myX1 + myX2) / 2 - (myW / 2), (myY2), (myX1 + myX2) / 2 + (myW / 2)}
			else if myLabelPositon = 5 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 - myH, myX2 - myW, myY1, myX2}
			else if myLabelPositon = 6 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 + myH, myX2 - myW, myY1, myX2}
			else if myLabelPositon = 7 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY2, myX2, myY2 + myH, myX2 - myW}
			else if myLabelPositon = 8 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY2, myX2, myY2 - myH, myX2 - myW}
			else if myLabelPositon = 9 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 - myH, myX1, myY1, myX1 + myW}
			else if myLabelPositon = 10 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY1 + myH, myX1, myY1, myX1 + myW}
			else if myLabelPositon = 11 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY2, myX1, myY2 + myH, myX1 + myW}
			else if myLabelPositon = 12 then
				set mytrueLabelPositon to {myY2, myX1, myY2 - myH, myX1 + myW}
			end if
			set ImgTxtFrame to make text frame at theSpread with properties {fill color:swatch myFrameColor}
			set geometric bounds of ImgTxtFrame to mytrueLabelPositon
			set vertical justification of text frame preferences of ImgTxtFrame to center align
			set ignore wrap of text frame preferences of ImgTxtFrame to true
			set applied paragraph style of insertion point -1 of ImgTxtFrame to Info
			if myText is false then
				set contents of insertion point -1 of ImgTxtFrame to (LinkName as string)
				set contents of insertion point -1 of ImgTxtFrame to (ImagePath as string)
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	tell view preferences of active document to set properties to myOldViewPreferences
	if theOrigin is not spread origin then
		set ruler origin of view preferences of document 1 to theOrigin
	end if
end tell

end myLabelsOptions
tell application “InDesign CS”
tell view preferences
set cursor key increment to (0.0139)
end tell
end tell

but for some reason it is not going back to 0.0139 please help

I am missing tell document 1 , how did I miss that … well thats one problem self solved, but would anyone know, once you launch this script , that it will set Text Color to : Black and Frame Color to: Paper
I know that there is an index but that doesnt always work because swatches are different on each page, but Black and Paper are everywhere …
