InDesign CS2 Catalog or Contact Sheet

Hi All

Can any one have Cataloging Script for InDesign CS2.


I found this script a while back, it was built fir Indesign and don’t see why it wouldn’t work for 2

it has alot of nice features

global myFolder

set oldHViewPrefs to ""
set oldVViewPrefs to ""
set myExtensions to {"tif", "tiff", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "eps", "ps", "psd", "ai", "pdf"}
set myFileList to {}
set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing the graphics you want to place"
tell application "Finder"
	set sortedFiles to {}
	set myFiles to list folder myFolder without invisibles
	repeat with myFile in myFiles
		set temp to properties of ((myFolder as string) & myFile as alias)
		if class of temp is document file then
			set sortedFiles to sortedFiles & myFile
		end if
	end repeat
	set myFiles to sortedFiles
end tell
repeat with myCounter from 1 to count of items in myFiles
	set myFile to item myCounter of myFiles
		tell application "Finder"
			set myFileType to file type of (((myFolder as string) & myFile) as alias) --myFile
		end tell
	end try
	set myFileTypes to {"JPEG", "EPSF", "PICT", "TIFF", "8BPs", "GIFf", "PDF "}
	if myFileTypes contains myFileType then
		copy myFile to end of myFileList
	else if myFileType is missing value or myFileType is "TEXT" then
		set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
		set currentExt to text item -1 of myFile
		if myExtensions contains currentExt then
			copy myFile to end of myFileList
			--exit repeat
		end if
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
	end if
end repeat

if (count myFileList) > 0 then
	myDisplayDialog(myFileList, myFolder)
	display dialog "Done!"
else if (count myFileList) = 0 then
	display dialog "No valid files found"
end if

--show the dialog 
on myDisplayDialog(myFiles, myFolder)
	set myLabelWidth to 132
	tell application "InDesign CS"
		set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"ImageCatalog"}
		tell myDialog
			tell (make dialog column)
				tell (make dialog row)
					make static text with properties {static label:"Information"}
				end tell
				tell (make border panel)
					tell (make dialog column)
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"SourceFolder:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							make static text with properties {static label:myFolder, min width:myLabelWidth}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Number of Graphics:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							make static text with properties {static label:((count myFiles) as string)}
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
				tell (make dialog row)
					make static text with properties {static label:"Options"}
				end tell
				tell (make border panel)
					tell (make dialog column)
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Number of Rows:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							set myNumberOfRowsField to make integer editbox with properties {edit value:3}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Number of Columns:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							set myNumberOfColumnsField to make integer editbox with properties {edit value:3}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Vertical Offset:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							set myVerticalOffsetField to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:12, edit units:points}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							make static text with properties {static label:"Horizontal Offset:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							set myHorizontalOffsetField to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:12, edit units:points}
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Page Size:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								set myPageSizeButtons to make radiobutton group
								tell myPageSizeButtons
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Letter Portrait", checked state:true}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Letter Landscape", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Tabloid Portrait", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Tabloid Landscape", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"A4 Portrait", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"A4 Landscape", checked state:false}
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Label:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								set myLabelsButtons to make radiobutton group
								tell myLabelsButtons
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"None", checked state:true}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"File Name", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"File Name and Image Info", checked state:false}
									make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Full Path", checked state:false}
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							tell (make dialog column)
								make static text with properties {static label:"Fitting:", min width:myLabelWidth}
							end tell
							tell (make dialog column)
								set myFitProportionalCheckbox to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Proportional", checked state:true}
								set myFitCenterContentCheckbox to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Center Content", checked state:true}
								set myFitFrameToContentCheckbox to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"FrameToContent", checked state:true}
							end tell
						end tell
						tell (make dialog row)
							set myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Remove Empty Frames", checked state:true}
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
		set myResult to show myDialog
		if myResult = true then
			set myNumberOfRows to edit value of myNumberOfRowsField
			set myNumberOfColumns to edit value of myNumberOfColumnsField
			set myVerticalOffset to edit value of myVerticalOffsetField
			set myHorizontalOffset to edit value of myHorizontalOffsetField
			set myPageSize to selected button of myPageSizeButtons
			set myLabels to selected button of myLabelsButtons
			set myFitProportional to checked state of myFitProportionalCheckbox
			set myFitCenterContent to checked state of myFitCenterContentCheckbox
			set myFitFrameToContent to checked state of myFitFrameToContentCheckbox
			set myRemoveEmptyFrames to checked state of myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox
			my myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myPageSize, myLabels, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myVerticalOffset, myHorizontalOffset, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent)
		end if
		destroy myDialog
	end tell
end myDisplayDialog

on myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myPageSize, myLabels, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myVerticalOffset, myHorizontalOffset, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent)
	tell application "InDesign CS"
		set myFramesPerPage to myNumberOfRows * myNumberOfColumns
		set myDocument to make document
		set oldVViewPrefs to vertical measurement units of view preferences of myDocument
		set oldHViewPrefs to horizontal measurement units of view preferences of myDocument
		if myPageSize is less than 4 then
			set horizontal measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to points
			set vertical measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to points
		else if myPageSize is greater than 3 then
			set horizontal measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to millimeters
			set vertical measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to millimeters
		end if
		if myPageSize is 0 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:612, page height:792}
		else if myPageSize is 1 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:792, page height:612}
		else if myPageSize is 2 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:792, page height:1224}
		else if myPageSize is 3 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:1224, page height:792}
		else if myPageSize is 4 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:210, page height:297}
		else if myPageSize is 5 then
			set properties of document preferences of myDocument to {page width:297, page height:210}
		end if
		set myDocumentPreferences to document preferences of myDocument
		set myNumberOfFrames to (count myFiles)
		set myNumberOfPages to ((myNumberOfFrames / myFramesPerPage) as string)
		if ((myNumberOfPages * myFramesPerPage) < myNumberOfFrames) then
			set myNumberOfPages to myNumberOfPages + 1
		end if
		set myNumberOfPages to round myNumberOfPages
		set pages per document of myDocumentPreferences to myNumberOfPages
		set facing pages of myDocumentPreferences to false
		set myPage to page 1 of myDocument
		set myMarginPreferences to margin preferences of myPage
		set myLeftMargin to left of myMarginPreferences
		set myTopMargin to top of myMarginPreferences
		set myRightMargin to right of myMarginPreferences
		set myBottomMargin to bottom of myMarginPreferences
		set myLiveWidth to ((page width of myDocumentPreferences) - (myLeftMargin + myRightMargin)) + myHorizontalOffset
		set myLiveHeight to (page height of myDocumentPreferences) - (myTopMargin + myBottomMargin)
		set myColumnWidth to myLiveWidth / myNumberOfColumns
		set myFrameWidth to myColumnWidth - myHorizontalOffset
		set myRowHeight to (myLiveHeight / myNumberOfRows)
		set myFrameHeight to myRowHeight - myVerticalOffset
		if myLabels is not equal to 0 then
				set myLabelStyle to paragraph style "Labels" of myDocument
			on error
				tell myDocument
					set myLabelStyle to make new paragraph style with properties {name:"Labels", point size:8}
				end tell
			end try
				set myLabelLayer to layer "Labels" of myDocument
			on error
				tell myDocument
					set myLabelLayer to make layer with properties {name:"Labels"}
				end tell
			end try
		end if
		repeat with myCounter from (count pages of myDocument) to 1 by -1
			set myPage to page myCounter of myDocument
			repeat with myRowCounter from (myNumberOfRows - 1) to 0 by -1
				set myY1 to myTopMargin + (myRowHeight * myRowCounter)
				set myY2 to myY1 + myFrameHeight
				repeat with myColumnCounter from (myNumberOfColumns - 1) to 0 by -1
					set myX1 to myLeftMargin + (myColumnWidth * myColumnCounter)
					set myX2 to myX1 + myFrameWidth
					tell myPage to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2}, stroke weight:0, stroke color:swatch "None" of myDocument, item layer:layer -1 of myDocument}
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end repeat
		repeat with myCounter from 1 to myNumberOfFrames
			set myFile to item myCounter of myFiles
			set myRectangle to rectangle myCounter of myDocument
			tell myRectangle
				set temp to place (((myFolder as string) & myFile) as alias)
					set myFilePPI to actual ppi of temp
				end try
				set geoBounds to (geometric bounds of (properties of (object reference of temp)))
				set label to myFile as string
				if myFitProportional is true then
					fit given proportionally
				end if
				if myFitCenterContent is true then
					fit given center content
				end if
				if myFitFrameToContent is true then
					fit given frame to content
				end if
			end tell
			if myLabels is not equal to 0 then
				if myLabels is 1 then
					set myLabelString to myFile
				else if myLabels is 2 then
						set myWidth to (((item 4 of geoBounds) - (item 2 of geoBounds)) / 72) * 1000
						set myHeight to (((item 3 of geoBounds) - (item 1 of geoBounds)) / 72) * 1000
						set myWidth to (round myWidth) / 1000
						set myHeight to (round myHeight) / 1000
						set myLabelString to (myFile & " is " & myWidth & " inches x " & myHeight & " inches @ " & (item 1 of myFilePPI) & " ppi") as string
					on error
						set myLabelString to (myFile & " (resolution info missing)") as string
					end try
				else if myLabels is 3 then
					set myLabelString to ((myFolder as string) & myFile) as string
				end if
				set myX1 to item 2 of geometric bounds of myRectangle
				set myBounds to geometric bounds of myRectangle
				set myY1 to item 3 of myBounds
				set myX2 to item 4 of myBounds
				set myY2 to (item 3 of myBounds) + myVerticalOffset
				tell parent of myRectangle
					set myTextFrame to make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2}, contents:myLabelString, item layer:myLabelLayer}
					tell myTextFrame
						set first baseline offset of text frame preferences to leading offset
						set applied paragraph style of text 1 to myLabelStyle
					end tell
				end tell
			end if
		end repeat
		if myRemoveEmptyFrames is true then
				tell myDocument
					tell (every rectangle whose content type is unassigned) to delete
				end tell
			end try
		end if
		tell myDocument
			set horizontal measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to oldHViewPrefs
			set vertical measurement units of view preferences of myDocument to oldVViewPrefs
		end tell
	end tell
end myMakeImageCatalog