Indesign CS2 make text fit frame

does anybody know of a way to make text fill the frame it’s in within Indesign CS2?

What, exactly, do you mean by “fill the frame” - forced justification? Are you trying to just get the last line to the point of it not being overset text? The latter can be done. You can also fit the frame to the text, but trying to go the other way would produce unpredictable/unacceptable results that would probably need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis – the text will clump and/or suffer from bad breaks if you are haphazardly forcing horizontal and vertical justification on it.

Hi Mark,
Thanks for your response. Let me explain in more detail. I have a text frame that could contain anything from 5 words up to maybe 20, Currently the script increases the font size incrementally until the text overflows then it reduces the font size by 1 increment so that it fills the text frame (the leading is set to auto) maximizing the text frame. This works fine but obviously takes a lot of processing so I wandered if anybody new of a simpler way of doing this, similar to the way you can manipulate an image using “Fit content proportionally”. Hope this explains it?

you might try getting the height and width of the box as well as the line of text then doing some math to find out what percentage increase would be needed to the type size to fill. You might still need to do some back and forth to get an exact fit but it might reduce some of the processing needed. Another way you might reduce the loops is to go in steps of 2 or more instead of 1.