InDesign CS3 create a new layer at the bottom

I can create a new layer in InDesign, but I can’t firgure out how to tell it create it at the bottom of the layer list. I have a layer that should always be at the bottom.

Anyone know the syntax for this?

Hi Matt

Does this work?

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	tell document 1
		make new layer with properties {name:"L"}
		move layer "L" to end of layer "Layer 1"--or whatever the name of the first layer in the list is
	end tell
end tell

Fantastic! That worked. I was able to get it more generic so I didn’t have to know the name of that last layer:

make new layer with properties {name:"L"}
move layer "L" to end of last layer


Glad you sorted it matt!!

just out of interest i noticed while playing around with this earlier you can use the word “behind”
which i never knew!!

make new layer with properties {name:"L"}
		move layer "L" to behind last layer

i didn’t know that! just makes it read better! :slight_smile: