InDesign CS3 scripts won't work

I have tried to create a script using InDesign CS3, because I must, and it will not work in the least.

Then I tried to use a script that comes right out of the Adobe Scripting InDesign CS3 guide and it still doesn’t work.
What might be the problem? New syntax?

I am using a G5 with Tiger (10.4.11). Here is the Adobe script I tried:

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	--Create a new document.
	set myDocument to make document
	--Set the measurement units to points
	tell view preferences of myDocument
		set horizontal measurement units to points
		set vertical measurement units to points
		--Set the ruler origin to page origin.
		set ruler origin to page origin
	end tell
	--Create a text frame on page 1
	tell page 1
		set myTextFrame to make text frame
		--Set the bounds of the text frame.
		set geometric bounds of myTextFrame to {72, 72, 288, 288}
		--Enter text in the text frame.
		set contents of myTextFrame to "This is some example text."
	end tell
end tell

The error I get has always something to do with class.

“Adobe InDesign CS3 got an error: Can’t make class text frame.”

Any help would be appreciated.


I guess the reference to the page must include the document

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	--Create a new document.
	set myDocument to make document
	--Set the measurement units to points
	tell view preferences of myDocument
		set horizontal measurement units to points
		set vertical measurement units to points
		--Set the ruler origin to page origin.
		set ruler origin to page origin
	end tell
	--Create a text frame on page 1
	tell myDocument
		tell page 1
			set myTextFrame to make text frame
			--Set the bounds of the text frame.
			set geometric bounds of myTextFrame to {72, 72, 288, 288}
			--Enter text in the text frame.
			set contents of myTextFrame to "This is some example text."
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Hi Stephan

I got this to work even after commenting out the reference to page 1.

It was the reference to the document (Tell myDocument) that made it work.
