InDesign CS4, cell styles

I have a table. in the table is a text character that my script replaces with an image. In some cases that image has a red, diagonal line through it, meaning it isn’t offered in that particular configuration.
How do I apply cell styles to place diagonal lines in front, set stroke to 1 pt, Top-right to bottom-left diagonal lines, etc.?
I can’t find anything on the internet that addresses this, other than the InDesign Scripting Reference, which I can’t seem to translate into a useable script

A cut and paste to a similar question you posed in another thread:

to make a cell style:

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	tell document 1
		set Instructions_Cell_Style to make new cell style with properties {name:"Instructions", bottom edge stroke weight:0.0, left edge stroke tint:100.0, left edge stroke weight:0.5, right edge stroke tint:100.0, right edge stroke weight:0.5, top edge stroke tint:100.0, top edge stroke weight:0.5, vertical justification:top align, fill color:color id ColorBlack, fill tint:0.0, bottom inset:0.0, left inset:0.0, right inset:0.0, top inset:0.0625}
		tell Instructions_Cell_Style
			set applied paragraph style to "Instructions"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

to apply a cell style:

to applyCellStyle(theproperties, theTable, theCoordinates) --				({coordinates:{1, 1}, whichTable:myTable, dimensions:{1.5938, 1}, styleName:"Instructions"})
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
		tell cell id theCoordinates of theTable
			set properties to theproperties
		end tell
	end tell
end applyCellStyle
