InDesign CS6 - dialog help required please...

Hi there,

I’m trying to add a carriage return to a message in an InDesign CS6 dialog but as yet I’ve had no luck :frowning:

Here’s an example:-

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
	set myDialog to make dialog
	tell myDialog
		set name to "User Interface Example Script"
		set myDialogColumn to make dialog column
		tell myDialogColumn
			tell (make dialog row)

				make static text with properties {static label:"Here's the message I'd like to be able to add a carriage return to so it breaks across 2 or more lines."}

			end tell
			set myBorderPanel to make border panel
			tell myBorderPanel
				set myDialogColumn to make dialog column
				tell myDialogColumn
					make static text with properties {static label:"Start Row:"}
				end tell
				set myDialogColumn to make dialog column
				tell myDialogColumn
					set myTextEditField to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"Hello World!", min width:90}
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
	set myResult to show myDialog
end tell

Please can someone point me in the right direction if it’s possible. I’ve tried a few variations on a theme but haven’t cracked it yet.

Thanks in advance.

I’m pretty sure it can’t be done – you need to break it into multiple static texts yourself.

Hi Shane,

Thanks for the clarification.

In the end I broke things down on the UI which helped.
Rather than using the InDesign dialogs I used the usual ‘display dialog’, in certain places, which gave me that bit more control.

Thanks once again Shane.