indesign document export to pdf

I am stuck… I want to make a script to export a document to pdf (interactive)

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
	activate document
	set myDesktopFolder to path to desktop as string
	set myFile to myDesktopFolder & "InteractivePDF.pdf"
	set export layers of interactive PDF export preferences to true
	set generate thumbnails of interactive PDF export preferences to true
	set pdf magnification of interactive PDF export preferences to fit page
	set pdf page layout of interactive PDF export preferences to single page
	export format interactive PDF to myFile
end tell

it won’t export… what do I do wrong?

Try something like this:

 set myDesktopFolder to path to desktop as string
   set myFile to myDesktopFolder & "InteractivePDF.pdf" as string
	set properties of PDF export preferences to {export layers:true, generate thumbnails:true, pdf magnification:fit page, pdf page layout:single page}
	export document 1 format interactive PDF to myFile without showing options

Jessica thanks!!

do you also know how I can export a book in indesign?


i tried to apply the changes in the script, but it won’t run.

I get this error “error “Adobe InDesign CS5.5 kreeg een fout: properties of interactive PDF export preferences of active book kan niet worden ingesteld op {export layers:true, generate thumbnails:true, pdf magnification:fit page, pdf page layout:single page}.” number -10006 from properties of interactive PDF export preferences of active book to «class 2eld»”

do you know what it means?

As per the log error, it shows problem with the preference settings. You can remove

   set pdf page layout of interactive PDF export preferences to single page

and then try.

may be it’s allready answered: