input into textfield as variable?

Hi Folks,

I have a little problem by getting the input of 1 text field and 1 scroll view as variable - I have the code attached!

Background: after pressing a button the input of sms_nummer (this is the number to send the sms) and the input of text
should send a sms (textmessage) to the selected number…

if name of theObject is "sms_button" then
		set portRef to serialport open modem
		-- SMS senden
		display dialog "I am here"
		-- Speicherart der SMS setzen 1 - Text
		set xstr to "at+cmgf=1" & return
		serialport write xstr to portRef
		delay 1
		-- SMS Center setzen
		set sms_center to "\"+43676021\""
		set xstr to "at+csca=" & sms_center & return
		serialport write xstr to portRef
		delay 1
		-- Telefonnummer holen:
		set theNumber to text returned of text field "sms_nummer" of tab view item "Outbox" of tab view "tab" of window "main"
		set sms to "\" & theNumber & \""
		display dialog sms
		-- Text holen
		set text_sms to text returned of text view "text" of scroll view "text" of tab view item "Outbox" of tab view "tab" of window "main"
		set ctrl to ASCII character 26
		display dialog text_sms
		set xstr to "at+cmgs=" & sms & return
		serialport write xstr to portRef
		serialport write text_sms to portRef
		serialport write ctrl to portRef
		delay 2
	end if

Thanks for any suggestions and your help!


Hi Folks,

solved - pretty easy - it is the same like putting a variable to a textfield but without the “to Variablename”

set theNumber to contents of text field "sms_nummer" of tab view item "Outbox" of tab view "tab" of window "main"

