intel 32 vs 64 programs


Will a program written for intel 32 work on 64 . I don’t know how that goes.



AppleScript program ? Yes, unless it’s saved as run-only you could recompile it
ObjC / AppleScriptObjC program ? It depends

Hi Stefan,

That’s what I thought that 32 will still run on 64 besides the graphics and all that other stuff.

Tnanks a lot,

ps. I’ve already downloaded a lot of Lion stuff and it seems to be working well.

It depends on the system you saved the AppleScript wth. For AppleScript I still prefer to use SL because it saves a binary for the PowerPC G4 and G5 but also for the Intel 32 and 64 bit architecture, it supports 4 different kind of processors.

Leopard: 32-bit intel and PPC G4 and G5
Snow Leopard 32-bit and 64 bit intel and ppc G4 and G5
Lion (and ML) saves as intel only in 32-bit and 64-bit.